Releases: LEIC-ES-2021-22/2LEIC02T2
UNI Calendar v1.3
The calendar inside the UNI application shows evaluation moments such as exams and project deliveries/presentations to keep the user up to date. It also offers the option to add a new event to a selected day on the calendar (in this case, the new event is a default study reminder since the option to define a custom title/hour turned out not to be properly implemented).
UNI Calendar v1.2
The calendar inside the UNI application shows evaluation moments such as exams and project deliveries/presentations to keep the user up to date. It also offers the option to add a new event to a selected day on the calendar (in this case, the new event is a default study reminder since the option to define a custom title/hour turned out not to be properly implemented).
UNI Calendar v1.1
The calendar inside the UNI app shows the evaluation moments relative to the user, such as exams and project deliveries.
UNI Calendar v1.0
A calendar is generated and can be viewed inside the application.
Version 0.0