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At LMAX we are all Java developers. We are not Javascript developers. We are not Rust developers. To support our needs as a business we needed a way to read and write transactions from and to the Solana Blockchain. We challenged ourselves to encapsulate the Solana encoding scheme with a Java library rather than use any kind of shim calling the Javascript or Rust libraries supported by Solana Labs. This project is the product of that challenge.

This solana4j library supports both the Legacy and VO encoding schemes. It has support for interaction with some of the core Solana Programs, such as the SystemProgram, TokenProgram and AssociatedTokenProgram. The library can be trivially extended to support more native programs as the user needs. The scope of the current implemented programs simply encompasses what we needed to implement for our needs as a business.

We hope that people will use the library and extend it to their needs, so that together we can build a Java library with parity to the aforementioned Rust and Javascript libraries.

All the Solana Programs that have been implemented have been conformance tested against a real Solana Test Validator. The hope is that these tests act as living documentation of how the library can be used. Any future implemented programs should also have accompanying integration tests so that we can carry on extending this living documentation!

A note about the integration tests. If you're running on a shiny Apple M[1,2,3,4] machine, then there are extra steps you need to take in order to run them locally. Please find the in src/integration-test/resources/!

We hope that you enjoy using the library, and we welcome any feedback. We especially welcome PRs!


Core Functionality
  • Reading and Writing Legacy & V0 Solana Messages.
  • Building Solana Messages for signing.
  • Appending signatures to Solana Messages for transaction submission.
  • AddressLookupTableProgram
  • AssociatedTokenMetadataProgram
  • AssociatedTokenProgram
  • BpfLoaderUpgradeableProgram
  • ComputeBudgetProgram
  • SystemProgram
  • Token2022Program
  • TokenProgram

Useful Commands

  • ./gradlew build - build the project
  • ./gradlew javadocs - build javadocs
  • ./gradlew jar - build jar
  • ./gradlew sourcesJar - build sources jar
  • ./gradlew setupGitHooks - create a git hook to prevent locally committing bad changes

Local Requirements

  • jdk11 installation
  • docker (for testcontainers)