In this project we've created a gizmo which can gather data from a Three-Phase Electric Power. The input is then displayed in a form of the graphs (linear chart shows a value of each of the phase's voltage). A user can then track any occurring interference and set specific elements accordingly in order to compensate examined device. This can be achieved via switching certain buttons on the page. All the data is being sent using two WebSockets.
This website is fully responsive, uses CSS Grid and includes SVG elements. The linear chart was created using d3v4 library.
- d3v4 - JavaScript library for data visualization
- jquery - JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML
Make sure that git, nodejs and npm are installed on your machine
In order to launch the server enter following commands:
git clone
cd MiMServer
npm install
npm start
- Kamil Nowak - Front-End
- Grzegorz Piwosz - Back-End