Deathmatch Classic was conceived by Valve as a tribute to id Software, and is essentially a remake of the multiplayer component of id's Quake. The gameplay is similar to Quake Deathmatch, with essentially the same weapons (except the weapon for melée combat, which is Half-Life's trademark crowbar instead of the original axe). DMC also imitates Quake's physics, which allows an advanced player to gain a lot of extra speed or jump very high by using a number of movement skills such as bunny hopping and rocket jumping.
This repository is maintained by Laclede's LAN. Its contents are heavily tailored and tweaked for use at our charity LAN-Parties. For third-parties we recommend using this repo only as a reference example and then building your own using gamesvr-goldsource as the base image for your customized server.
docker pull lacledeslan/gamesvr-goldsource-dmc;
The image includes a test script that can be used to verify its contents. No changes or pull-requests will be accepted to this repository if any tests fail.
docker run -it --rm lacledeslan/gamesvr-goldsource-dmc ./ll-tests/;
docker run -it --net=host lacledeslan/gamesvr-goldsource-dmc ./hlds_run +sv_lan 1 -game dmc +map dcdm5 +maxplayers 16;
Docker is an open-source project that bundles applications into lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers. For a crash course on running Dockerized game servers check out Using Docker for Game Servers. For tips, tricks, and recommended tools for working with Laclede's LAN Dockerized game server repos see the guide for Working with our Game Server Repos. You can also browse all of our other Dockerized game servers: Laclede's LAN Game Servers Directory.