This API allows you to manage vehicle data, including uploading vehicle information and images, retrieving vehicle details, and searching for vehicles by various criteria.
Retrieves information about all vehicles.
Returns a list of dictionaries containing vehicle details.
Retrieves information about a specific vehicle by its ID.
(str): The unique identifier of the vehicle.
Returns a dictionary containing details of the requested vehicle.
Retrieves information about vehicles by brand.
(str): The brand name of the vehicles to retrieve.
Returns a dictionary containing a list of vehicles and their count.
Retrieves information about vehicles by type.
(str): The type of vehicles to retrieve.
Returns a dictionary containing a list of vehicles and their count.
Searches for vehicles by their model names.
(str): The partial or full name of the vehicle model to search for.
Returns a dictionary containing a list of matching vehicles and their count.
Retrieves the image of a vehicle by its shortened URL.
(str): The shortened URL of the vehicle image.
Returns the vehicle image in the specified format (JPEG, PNG, etc.).
- All endpoints support CORS headers for cross-origin requests.
- Errors are returned with appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages.
This API provides functionalities to manage vehicle data efficiently. Please refer to the provided endpoints for detailed usage instructions.