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Time Window Validator

A GitHub Action to validate if a timestamp (the current one by default) is inside an allowed or blocked time window.

This is to prevent a workflow from running at certain times (e.g. out of office hours, bank holidays, etc.).

If needed, the validation can be by-passed with a commit message matching the force-valid-regexp (by default, force\-time\-window, e.g. hotfix: deploy this now, let's force-time-window!).


The action requires the allowed input and can have an optional blocked input. Unless the commit message forces the validation, the timestamp is validated against both allowed and blocked time windows provided.

Validation logic

A given timestamp is considered as valid only if it respects both rules:

  • it is within an allowed time window, and
  • it is not within a blocked time window.

This means that the blocked windows always take precedence over the allowed ones. This enables configurations where the blocked time windows correspond to bank holidays or non-business periods to overtake usual business hours.


Parameter Default value Description
allowed "" The allowed time windows in YAML. See allowed & blocked for more information.
blocked "" The blocked time windows in YAML. See allowed & blocked for more information.
commit-message ${{ github.event.head_commit.message || github.event.workflow_run.head_commit.message }} The commit message used to check the regular expression against. See commit-message for more information.
force-valid-regexp force\-time\-window A regular expression to check against the commit message. See force-valid-regepx for more information.
timestamp now Unix timestamp (in seconds) to validate the time windows against. See timestamp for more information.

allowed & blocked

Each of these inputs receives an array of time windows defined in a YAML structure with the following fields:

  • name: The name of the time window. Useful to understand the result.
  • cronExpression: The CRON expression defining the beginning of the time window. You can use the crontab guru to generate your expression.
  • duration: The duration of the time window.

N.B.: The action currently doesn't support timezones and everything is computed using UTC. See the TODOs below.


If you want to give a specific commit message. By default, this is inferred from the workflow with the following GitHub Action expression:

${{ github.event.head_commit.message || github.event.workflow_run.head_commit.message }}


The regular expression used to validate the commit message against. If they match, the result is automatically set to is_valid=true.


The Unix timestamp (in seconds) to validate. By default, this is the current one when the action runs.


Parameter Type Description
is_valid Boolean If the timestamp is valid (i.e. is within an allowed time window).
error String If an error occurred, this parameter would describe it.
message String A message explaining the result or the error.
timestamp Integer The timestamp (in seconds) which has been validated.
result JSON A JSON representation of all the above parameters.


Some example jobs to give you an idea of how this action can be used:

name: Example workflow
    name: Simple example
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Time Window Validator
        id: time_window_validator
          allowed: |
            - name: Office hours
              cronExpression: "0 9 * * 1-5"
              duration: 8h

      - name: Checkout
        # the time_window_validator fails on an invalid timestamp
        # you can use the outputs, to recover
        # if: steps.time_window_validator.outputs.is_valid == true
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # ...


  • Tests!
    • in Go code
    • in CI
  • Use the timezone: at the moment, the timezone isn't used and everything is in UTC.


GitHub Action to know if we're inside a time window





