Google Places SDK for React Native. Places SDK allows you to build location aware apps that responds contextutally to the local businesses and other places near the user's device.
- Android: 21
- iOS: 13
npm install react-native-google-places-sdk
yarn add react-native-google-places-sdk
SDK needs to be initialize only once per App start before using any other functions. Preferably in the root file, e.g., App.tsx.
import GooglePlacesSDK from 'react-native-google-places-sdk';
const GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY = ""; // add your Places API key
type PredictionFiltersParam = {
types?: string[];
countries?: string[];
locationBias?: LocationBounds;
locationRestriction?: LocationBounds;
origin?: LatLng;
type PlacePrediction = {
description: string;
placeID: string;
primaryText: string;
secondaryText: string;
types: string[];
distanceMeters: number;
"description": "Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
"distanceMeters": null,
"placeID": "ChIJwe1EZjDG5zsRaYxkjY_tpF0",
"primaryText": "Mumbai",
"secondaryText": "Maharashtra, India",
"types": [
import GooglePlacesSDK, { PLACE_FIELDS } from 'react-native-google-places-sdk';
"Mumbai", // query
{ countries: ["in", "us"] } // filters
.then((predictions) => console.log(predictions));
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
// ...
Allowed Fields: Refer PLACE_FIELDS in 'react-native-google-sdk'
If no fields or empty array is passed, then all fields will be fetched for given the place ID.
// type
// Example
import { PLACE_FIELDS } from 'react-native-google-places-sdk';
type Place = {
name: string | null;
placeID: string | null;
plusCode: string | null;
coordinate: LatLng | null;
openingHours: string | null;
phoneNumber: string | null;
types: string[] | null;
priceLevel: number | null;
website: string | null;
viewport: (LocationBounds & { valid: boolean }) | null;
formattedAddress: string | null;
| {
types: string[];
name: string;
shortName: string;
| null;
attributions: string | null;
rating: number;
userRatingsTotal: number;
utcOffsetMinutes: number | null;
iconImageURL: string | null;
businessStatus: BusinessStatus;
dineIn: AtmosphereCategoryStatus;
takeout: AtmosphereCategoryStatus;
delivery: AtmosphereCategoryStatus;
curbsidePickup: AtmosphereCategoryStatus;
photos: {
attributions: {
url: string;
name: string;
reference: string;
width: number;
height: number;
import GooglePlacesSDK, { PLACE_FIELDS } from 'react-native-google-places-sdk';
placeID = "ChIJwe1EZjDG5zsRaYxkjY_tpF0",
.then((place) => console.log(place));
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
// ...
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.