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Migration from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3

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View the new Nuxt 3 version of the Constitutional Court website (WIP)


  • Node.js >= 18.0.0
  • npm
  • Git repository
  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS server

Migration Considerations

  • Nuxt: compatibilityVersion: 4: the new Nuxt default srcDir is app/ by default
  • API Server: Migrate Fastify to Nuxt 3's built-in Nitro server
  • State Management: migrate from Vuex to Pinia
  • Databases: MariaDB with Knex and Filemaker API
  • UI: Upgrade Vuetify versus Tailwind
  • Data Fetching: Replace Axios with built-in useFetch, useAsyncData, $fetch
  • Validation: Drop vee-validate & vuelidate
  • Cookies: Drop cookie-universal & cookie-universal-nuxt
  • .env: replace .env.production and .env.development with a single .env file and utilize runtime variables on server to simplify DX

Migration Strategy

  1. Divide and conquer

    • To manage the complexity of upgrading we will gradually replacing parts of the legacy system with new components, running the old and new systems in parallel until the legacy parts are completely replaced.
    • Step 1: A clean installation of the Nuxt 3 environment.
    • Step 2: Keep the existing Nuxt 2 APIs while building the interface in Nuxt 3 on the new installation until all pages are properly transitioned and functional. This allows us to focus on migrating the UI and user experience first.
    • Step 3: Create a basic default.vue layout
    • Step 4: Migrate simple pages (get comfortable with Nuxt 3, the Composition API, and Vuetify 3 and focus on critical functionality)
    • Step 5: Migrate complexer pages and check against the original design for consistency.
    • Step 2: 2nd pass: apply lessons learned from the earlier pages: refine the design, improve accessibility, handle edge cases and improve performance.
    • Step 6: Once the pages are successfully migrated, we proceed with migrating the APIs to Nuxt 3's built-in Nitro server. This sequence minimizes disruptions and allows for incremental testing of each component.
  2. Technical Key Challenges

    • i18n: Implement for multi-language support
    • @nuxt/content v2: Adapt to Nuxt 3's Content module changes
    • UI: Vuetify latest version, a significant migration process
    • Routing: Port Fastify routes to Nuxt API routes
    • Database: Integrate MySQL using Knex
    • Juportal: API for the Juportal robot
    • Search: Solr integration
    • Auth: FAS/CSAM (Federal Authentication Service/Common Secure Access Management) authentication with the Belgian e-id
  3. Dependencies

    • Carefully select the needed dependencies and remove the unneeded.
  4. Plugins and Middleware

    • We don't use many plugins or middleware.
    • Address plugins and middleware only if required to achieve specific functionalities.
    • For example, consider updating or replacing plugins that are incompatible with Nuxt 3 or modifying middleware to support new API structures.
  5. Next Steps

    • migrate Vuetify Use npm install eslint-plugin-vuetify --save-dev --legacy-peer-deps. This plugin is used to enforce best practices and linting rules specific to Vuetify components, which helps during the migration. We want to maintain code quality and consistency.
    • migrate Nuxt content in content/nl, etc
    • copy assets, fonts and other config files f.ex. with constants and utils
    • Components and Pages: Migrate and adapt to Nuxt 3
    • Composition API: Convert Options API
    • Testing: Implement unit, integration, and E2E tests (Vue Test Utils / Vitest / Cypress, don't use @testing-library/vue)

Work in Progress: here we focus on the framework (and less on the content).

Configure Nuxt 3 to use the Nuxt 2 legacy API backend

  • configure and update the config to use the legacy API backend
  • Create a few .vue pages that use these API's

Nuxt 2 + Vuetify 2 to Nuxt 3 + Vuetify 3 strategy: here we focus on the content.

1. Simplify default.vue Layout

  • Install Vuetify: vuetify, vite-plugin-vuetify and @mdi/font.
  • Update nuxt.config.ts, and don't forget to place vuetify.ts in app/plugins/vuetify.ts (compatibility version 4 folder)
  • Start with a simplified version of the default.vue layout.
  • Ensure basic layout and navigation work across screen sizes without introducing complex features yet.

2. Set Up Basic Nuxt 3 Project Structure

  • Ensure basic SSR and routing works properly.
  • Introduce automatic component imports to simplify the project structure.
  • Avoid using too many new Nuxt 3 features initially—focus on getting the basics running.
  • Introduce vitest.

3. Migrate Components Gradually

  • Migrate components one by one, starting with simple, standalone components that have fewer dependencies.
  • Test each component individually to ensure it works correctly with Vuetify 3.
  • Avoid migrating complex components (those with API calls or heavy logic) until the simpler ones are working.

4. Keep the Options API initially, Gradually introduce the Composition API

  • To avoid complexity, start by continuing to use the Options API.
  • Gradually introduce Vue 3's Composition API in smaller or simpler components where it makes sense.

5. Migrate Nuxt Content and API Pages Gradually

  • Once the basic layout and components are stable, migrate pages that use Nuxt Content and APIs.
  • Content pages: Begin with static content pages using Nuxt Content, as they typically have fewer dependencies.
  • API-driven pages: Migrate these next, updating API calls from the old asyncData to useFetch or useAsyncData.
  • Be sure to update error handling accordingly.
  • Test API-driven pages carefully in SSR mode to make sure that data fetching is handled correctly in Nuxt 3.
  • Complex component-based pages: Leave these for last, as they may require more extensive refactoring.

6. Step-by-Step Vuetify 3 Refactoring (CSS Grid Refactor!)

  • Refactor Vuetify components in stages:
  • Start with simple components like buttons and layouts.
  • Gradually refactor more complex components as you become familiar with Vuetify 3’s breaking changes (e.g., new grid system, renamed props).
  • Avoid deprecated features and use Vuetify 3's new CSS Grid system where applicable.

7. Introduce Nuxt 3 features incrementally:

  • Start with auto-imports for components and composables.
  • Gradually implement server-side rendering (SSR) for pages that benefit most from it.
  • Introduce other Nuxt 3 features like middleware, plugins, and modules as needed.
  • Keep the Options API initially and focus on getting your components working with Nuxt 3 and Vuetify 3.

9. Regular Testing and Incremental Feature Adoption

  • Test regularly after each major step to ensure nothing breaks.
  • Gradually introduce Nuxt 3 features like composables, server middleware, and meta options after confirming that basic features like layouts and components are working.

10. Final Step: Full Migration to Composition API

  • After most components are migrated and the project is stable, begin converting remaining components to the Composition API for improved flexibility and performance.
  • For some complex components, it might make sense to refactor to the Composition API earlier if it simplifies logic.
  • Leverage full Nuxt 3 features like middleware, server-side composables, and advanced SSR handling.


  1. Basic layout and navigation
  2. Static content pages
  3. Simple components
  4. API-driven pages
  5. Complex component-based pages
  6. Gradual refactoring to Composition API

Develop all API's in Nuxt 3.
