DOS2 Notepad++ Languages contain a set of user-defined languages (UDL) that enable syntax highlighting for Divinity: Original Sin 2 mod files.
- Download any of the languages under the languages folder (either clone the repo, or click on the individual languages, then right click "Raw" and "Save Link As..."
- In Notepad++, click Language -> Define your language... -> Import, then select the downloaded language file.
- Go to the file you want the syntax for, and click Language -> Your language of choice.
Note: **Both the Osiris and DOS2 Stats languages aren't automatically loaded, since both language files types are a common .txt file.
- Zenburn
- Generated Stats
- Osiris (Story Scripting)
- Behavior (Object Scripting)
Zenburn is a style available within Notepad++, set via Settings -> Style Configurator -> Select Theme -> Zenburn.
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