- Description
- Links
- Screenshots
- Installation Instructions
- Usage
- Technologies Used
- Tests
- Credits
- Contributing
- Questions
- Badges
This application uses a MERN stack to create a conference management system.
Deployed application on Heroku NOT DEPLOYED YET
Individual conference information, default:
Individual conference information, conference's creator:
Individual conference information, conference admins:
Individual conference information, registered attendee:
Individual conference information, registered exhibitor:
User input form on All Conferences page:
npm install
This project is intended to be used to create and manage conferences, conventions, seminars, and similar events.
npm run test
The original version of this application was developed in collaboration with Anna Battista, Beni Mahat, Travis Messall, Brenda Miller, and Alec Rewinkel under the name "Cool Cats Conference Planner," which can be found in this repo here and is deployed on Heroku here.
thenBy.js was created by Teun Duynstee.
"Cancel event" icon made by Those Icons from www.flaticon.com.
Dragon image used on the 404 page created by Hannah Hill and found at FreePNG.com.
We believe code is never finished, and welcome your contributions to enhance the application's functionality. Please adhere to the Code of Conduct for the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html.
If you have further questions, you can reach me at lauracole1900@comcast.net. For more of my work, see my GitHub.