Take a look of our Website..
OVERVIEW: This is a website which provides all the information regarding COVID home isolation system and people can also track their health status on daily basis.
##Steps to view the project
- Clone the repository through vs code
- save the repository in C:\xampp\htdocs
##Setting up databases FOR TABLE 2. Create a database with name 'table' and a table named 'user' with 8 coloumns as following:
- userid int(11)
- date date
- temperature int(11)
- heartrate int(11)
- oxygen int(11)
- feeling text
- breathing text
- dt datetime
##Setting up databases FOR LOGINSYSTEM 3. Create a database with name 'users' and a table named 'users' with 4 coloumns as following: 1.slno. int(11) 2.username text 3.password varchar(11) 4.dt datetime
- Now run the link http://localhost/co-heal/home/home.html in your browser