Demos of WAVS Rust and Solidity services
Comprehensive demos for developing WAVS (WebAssembly AVS) applications using Rust and Solidity. This repo provides a pre-configured development environment with integrated testing frameworks for both Rust and Solidity components.
- NFT + AI Demo - An NFT is minted by an AVS with AI-generated metadata.
- Prediction Market Oracle Demo - A prediction market is resolved by an AVS oracle.
- Safe AI Module Demo - Transactions in a Safe are created by an AVS using an AI agent.
- Safe Guard Demo - An AVS acts as a Safe Guard to validate and execute a Safe transaction.
Core (Docker, Compose, Make, JQ, NodeJS v21+)
- MacOS:
brew install --cask docker
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt -y install
- Docker Documentation
- MacOS: Already installed with Docker installer
- Linux:
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-v2
- Compose Documentation
- MacOS:
brew install make
- Linux:
sudo apt -y install make
- Make Documentation
- MacOS:
brew install jq
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt -y install jq
- JQ Documentation
- Required Version: v21+
- Installation via NVM
Rust v1.84+
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup toolchain install stable
rustup target add wasm32-wasip2
# Remove old targets if present
rustup target remove wasm32-wasi || true
rustup target remove wasm32-wasip1 || true
# Update and add required target
rustup update stable
rustup target add wasm32-wasip2