- 🐞 SQLite3 is used in Renderer-process, which causes DevTools loading exception during HRM.
在渲染进程中使用 SQLite3,在 HRM 时候会导致 DevTools 加载异常.
DevTools was disconnected form the pate.
This is a project structure compact enough Electron + Vite template.
The project focus on the cooperation between Vite and Electron.
Enabled Electron and NodeJs in Renderer-process by vite-plugin-electron-renderer.
Like this
// In Renderer-process
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'
readFileSync(/* something */)
ipcRenderer.on(/* something */)
# clone the project
git clone https://github.com/caoxiemeihao/electron-vite-boilerplate.git
# enter the project directory
cd electron-vite-boilerplate
# install dependency
npm install
# develop
npm run dev
Once dev
or build
npm-script executed will be generate named dist
folder. It has children dir of same as src
folder, the purpose of this design can ensure the correct path calculation.
├── dist After build, it's generated according to the "packages" directory
├ ├── main
├ ├── preload
├ ├── renderer
├── scripts
├ ├── build.mjs Develop script -> npm run build
├ ├── watch.mjs Develop script -> npm run dev
├── packages
├ ├── main Main-process source code
├ ├── vite.config.ts
├ ├── preload Preload-script source code
├ ├── vite.config.ts
├ ├── renderer Renderer-process source code
├ ├── vite.config.ts
First, yout need to make sure the deps in "dependencies". Because the project still needs it after packaged.
Second, node-native addons may not be Pre-Bundling correctly by Vite. So you need avoid this, and import it like ordinary NodeJs module.
Third, through the above description, you can correctly import node-native addons in two ways.
The first way - Use CommonJS syntax
// In Renderer-process
const SerialPort = require('serialport')
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3')
The second way - Use ESModule syntax - Recommend 🎉
// In Renderer-process
import serialport from 'serialport'
import sqlite3 from 'sqlite3'
This way is actually just a syntax-sugar of CommonJS syntax. At the same time, vite-plugin-electron-renderer needs to be configured.
Click to see more 👉 packages/renderer/vite.config.ts
import electronRenderer from 'vite-plugin-electron-renderer'
export default {
plugins: [
// configuration here
resolve: {
serialport: 'export default require("serialport");',
sqlite3: 'export default require("sqlite3");',
Main-process, Preload-script are also built with Vite, and they are just built as build.lib.
So they just need to configure Rollup.
Click to see more 👉 packages/main/vite.config.ts
export default {
build: {
// built lib for Main-process, Preload-script
lib: {
entry: 'index.ts',
formats: ['cjs'],
fileName: () => '[name].js',
rollupOptions: {
// configuration here
external: [
The "node_modules" file structure generated by "pnpm" will lead to errors in the packaging of "electron builder". For example, the project needs to use "SQLite3"