contract name : Gamble
contract info : enable users to transfer near with the range to throw the dice, when 6 is hit, the user would get 6 times the prize as the reward
contract property:
- gamble_min_price (Minimum price that should be transfered to the contract, revert otherwise)
- gamble_max_price (Maximum price that should be transfered to the contract, revert otherwise)
contract function:
pub fn new() -> Self : The new function should be called to initialize the contract, and set the gamble_max_price and the gamble_min_price
pub fn get_minimal_gamble_price(&self) -> u128 : Get the Minimum amount of near to be transfered(Used for dapp, but usually won't as it's 0 all the time)
pub fn get_maximum_gamble_price(&self) -> u128 : Get the Minimum amount of near to be transfered(Used for dapp)
pub fn get_balance(&self) -> u128 : Get contract balance
pub fn update_price(&mut self) : Update price everytime the account balance changes
pub fn sponsor(&mut self) : The user could sponsor the contract(maybe only the owner will...)
pub fn gamble(&mut self) -> u8 : The user could transfer near to get a chance to gamble, return the dice throwed by the user (Randomly generated)
pub fn rand_dice(&self) -> u8 : Generate random number from 1 to 6
deploy :
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/gamble_game_near.wasm --accountId gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet
interact with contract:
# Initialize gamble contract
near call gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet new --accountId gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet
# Get balance
near view gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet get_balance
# Get minimal gamble price
near view gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet get_minimal_gamble_price
# Sponsor the game
near call gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet sponsor --deposit 1 --accountId young_cn.testnet
# Play the gamble game
near call gamble_game1.young_cn.testnet gamble --deposit 1 --accountId young_cn.testnet