near demo picture store
This contract provides the function of a picture store. Users can upload and purchase pictures. The picture uses hash as the unique identifier. The same user uploads the same hash picture as a modification operation. Different users cannot modify other users' pictures, nor can they buy their own pictures. .
ps: it will be changed to nft later
You can access it online at
1、clone this repo
git clone
2、run frontend
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn dev
If all goes well, you'll be able to play by accessing address http://localhost:3000/my-copyright in your browser.
If you want to deploy a new dev contract, you need to do the following steps before run frontend:
cd contract rm -rf neardev cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/my_copyright.wasm res/ near dev-deploy res/my_copyright.wasm get the dev account(e.g. dev-1646378813317-27296479436263), Then modify the variables `ContractName` in file frontend/src/App.js. near call $new-contract-id new --account-id $new-contract-id