A simple batch file to use IQ-TREE software version 2.2.0 in windows operation system.
1. Downloading the HappIQtree software to your PC and decompress it such as the following picture shows.
2. Doule click the "HappyIQtree.cmd" file and observe whether the program is running normally to check if the program is compatible with your computer.
If the program runs well without any error such as the following picture, congratulations, you can use the program with your own data.
3. Moving your sequence file (after aligment) into the work directory and replace "example.fasta" in the "HappyIQtree.cmd" file with your data's name such
as the following pictures shows.
4. Just doule click the "HappyIQtree.cmd" file and wait for the results.(The output file with ".treefile" as suffix maybe the last tree file you want, you change the suffix to ".nwk" then you can edit the tree with other software such as MEGA and Figtree. )
Note: If you want to interrupt the program when it runs, just press "Ctrl + c".
- Minh, B.Q., et al., IQ-TREE 2: New Models and Efficient Methods for Phylogenetic Inference in the Genomic Era. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2020. 37(5): p. 1530-1534.
- Hoang, D.T., et al., UFBoot2: improving the ultrafast bootstrap approximation. Molecular biology and evolution, 2018. 35(2): p. 518-522.
- Kalyaanamoorthy, S., et al., ModelFinder: fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, 2017. 14(6): p. 587-589.
If you encounter any question during the use of this software, please contact us by email oyjh417701@163.com
Jun 27 CST 2022
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