This learning module accompanies chapter 10 Angela B. and George W Shiflet's book Introduction to Computational Science. This learning module studies cellular automaton (CA) simulations. The code in this module uses object oriented methods. Most of the CA code uses inheritance from NumPy arrays for much of the functionality.
In this folder are:
- CA NumPy Inheritance which explains the CA simulation object which inherits NumPy arrays. The document contains several Game of Life example simulations. This is the introductory document for this learning module. This document also lists some suggested resources for understanding classes, inheritance and NumPy arrays.
- CA List of Objects which gives implements the same examples as the above document, but this document does not use NumPy arrays. Instead it uses a custom class which implements an indvidual cell.
- Cellular Automaton Python Code for base CA code. This file includes both the NumPy inheritance version and the Cell object version.
- Notebook demonstrating 2D heat transfer simulation using CA methods. This simulation inherits cellular automaton functionality from CAGrid through inheritance.
- Heat Transfer Code to support the above notebook.
- Assignments Folder describes several exercises and projects.