LedSudoku is a classic game of sudoku, a puzzle game played on a 9x9 grid. The game will start you off with a few numbers on the grid, but it's up to you to fill in the rest!
The RULES are as follows:
- each row must have the numbers 1 through 9, without duplicates and without an exception
- each col must have the numbers 1 through 9, without duplicates and without an exception
- each of the nine 3 x 3 block group must have the numbers 1 through 9, without duplicates and without an exception
If you're up for the challenge, go to the LedSudoku website to play!
I tackled the task of creating a sudoku game several years ago using C# in Unity to create a mobile game for Android devices. You can find that project here (keep in mind that was 7 years prior to the current day): pseudo_ku
This time around, I wanted to practice my Angular skills by switching to it. Admittedly with hindsight, perhaps Angular is a bit of an overkill for a relatively small scale application such as a sudoku game. However it was still a challenge writing the core engine for the game, particularly the solver function.
Currently, LedSudoku sits as a minimalistic game to play and keep playing, with new and unique game boards generated every time! However, I wish to come back to this in the future and possibly add new functionality.
Programming Language: Angular, Typescript, SCSS