Example for question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76878180/how-to-update-index-in-mongodb-when-using-spring
- Insert data with the original index
In application.yml point mongock.migration-scan-package
to a non-existing package (e.g. empty
- empty
# - com.wouterlefever.stackoverflow.changeset
In the entity Person
use the initial index:
name = "unique_name_with_age",
def = "{ 'firstName':1 , 'lastName':1 }",
unique = true)
// name = "unique_name_with_age",
// def = "{ 'firstName':1 , 'lastName':1, 'ssn':1 }",
// unique = true)
public class Person {
And run the application.
- Delete the existing index during migration.
Comment out the insert of data in Application
public void run(String... args) {
// Person person = new Person("John", "Doe", "1");
// personRepository.save(person);
Comment out the index definitions in Person
// name = "unique_name_with_age",
// def = "{ 'firstName':1 , 'lastName':1 }",
// unique = true)
// name = "unique_name_with_age",
// def = "{ 'firstName':1 , 'lastName':1, 'ssn':1 }",
// unique = true)
public class Person {
In application.yml point mongock.migration-scan-package
to the changeset
# - empty
- com.wouterlefever.stackoverflow.changeset
And run the application.
- Add the new index
Add the new index to the entity Person
name = "unique_name_with_age",
def = "{ 'firstName':1 , 'lastName':1, 'ssn':1 }",
unique = true)
public class Person {
And run the application.