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XamlServiceProviderCatcher en

Leksiqq edited this page Jul 20, 2024 · 3 revisions

Attention! This article, as well as this announcement, are automatically translated from Russian.

XamlServiceProviderCatcher class

Used in window resources to further access the corresponding IServiceProvider type object from code, mainly to call the ProvideValue(...) method.


  • ServiceProvider - returns the previously saved object of type IServiceProvider.


In the MainWindow.xaml resource dictionary:

             <l:XamlServiceProviderCatcher x:Key="SPC"/>

In MainWindow.xaml.cs:

     ParameterizedResourceExtension pre = new("ValueCellTemplate");
     pre.Replaces = new string[] { $"$path:{path}" };
     datatemplate? template = pre.ProvideValue((FindResource("SPC") as XamlServiceProviderCatcher)!) as DataTemplate;

Before: (ParameterizedResource) Start:(Overview) Next:(BindingProxy)