Welcome to my first JavaScript project, a command-line interface (CLI) game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors"! In this game, you'll be able to play the classic hand game against the computer in your terminal.
This project is built using the following technologies:
- Asynchronous Programming: Leveraging asynchronous patterns for smooth gameplay.
- Modular Programming: Code is organized into modules for easy maintenance.
- Node.js
- Typewriter Effect: Adds a fun and interactive typewriter effect to the game.
- Coloured Output: Uses the npm package
to add color to the terminal output for enhanced readability. - User Input: Takes user input using the
- clone the repo
- npm install
- node game.js
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues, fixing bugs, or suggesting improvements.
// Include any additional sections such as license, acknowledgements, etc.
Enjoy the game!