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Tips and Tricks

LenweSaralonde edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 20 revisions

Some cool tips and tricks you can try to improve your experience with Musician.

Character animation while playing music

For a more immersive roleplay experience, you can use instrument toys such as the Fae Harp while playing music. The audio from the instrument toy is automatically muted so you can play your own music.

For the other instruments, you can use the Blingtron's Circuit Design Tutorial toy to make your character's hands to move while playing, as if you were actually holding and playing an instrument.

Character animation

This toy is crafted by engineers so you should be able to find one easily at the auction house. You can still move when the toy is active.

To start/stop playing with the item, you can use the following macro :

/use Blingtron's Circuit Design Tutorial
/use Didacticiel du dessin des circuits du Bling-o-tron

This macro works for both English and French versions.

If you play in another language, you should edit the item name in the /use command.

Play live using a MIDI keyboard

Playing live with a MIDI keyboard can be achieved very easily using a combination of third party software and the extra module Musician MIDI. Check out Musician MIDI to learn more.

Live play with a MIDI keyboard

Synchronize and backup the songs in MusicianList using a cloud service

This is useful if you play on multiple computers (ie a desktop and a laptop) and want your song list to be automatically synchronized on both machines.

In addition, some cloud services such as Dropbox allow to revert your files to a previous state in case something went wrong.

This tutorial is for Total RP 3 but the steps are exactly the same for MusicianList and all your other add-ons.

Copy the songs saved in MusicianList from WoW Retail to WoW Classic or another WoW account

  1. Log off your character from WoW Classic
  2. Copy the MusicianList.lua file that belongs to your World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\AccountName\SavedVariables directory into your World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\AccountName\SavedVariables directory.

The reverse (WoW Classic to WoW Retail) can also be done. This trick also works to copy your song list to another WoW account.

Live play percussions that are not available on the keyboard

The live keyboard mode only allows to play 22 percussion sounds but Musician (and the General MIDI standard) has actually more.

You can trigger them using macros that you can bind on your action bar:

/script local note, instrument = 60, 129; Musician.Live.NoteOn(note, 0, instrument); C_Timer.After(1, function() Musician.Live.NoteOff(note, 0, instrument) end)
/script local note, instrument = 61, 129; Musician.Live.NoteOn(note, 0, instrument); C_Timer.After(1, function() Musician.Live.NoteOff(note, 0, instrument) end)

note corresponds to the MIDI keyboard key (60: High bongo, 61: Low bongo etc) and instrument 129 corresponds to the standard percussions (Musician specific, not a MIDI standard)

You can check out the Wikipedia page of the General MIDI standard to get the detailed list of the percussions available.

Create sheet music items with Total RP Extended

Total RP Extended allows you to create sheet music in the form of roleplaying items that you can trade with the other players.

Since version, Musician includes a build-in feature to generate sheet music items from the loaded song. Just click the Export button on the main window to make one.

Deal with long notes

Due to technical limitations of the Blizzard UI sound API, the samples can't be looped. When the sample playback is about to reach the end (at approx 5.5s), it will be automatically stopped and restarted, which may sound odd for some songs, for example those with bagpipe drones.

The trick is to open the song in a MIDI editor to manually split long notes at some point it won't be noticeable, for example at the begining of a bar.

Here is a quick example using FL Studio:

[Musician] Splitting long MIDI notes