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Neobotix Coordinator

This repository contains the high level task control for the Neobotix application implemented with the Behavior Tree package in C++.

It uses the BehaviorTee.IRAS framework which is a wrapper around the BehaviorTree.cpp v3.8 library and extends it for the combined use of behavior trees with ROS 2 Humble.

The library of actions can be arranged freely with the graphical user interface Groot.

This ReadMe covers the following topics:

  • How to start a Behavior Tree?
  • How to start the Groot editor?
  • How to design a new Behavior Tree?
  • How to create a custom node?
  • Further information (including the usage of custom interfaces)

How to start a Behavior Tree?

Build and start the docker container


Inside the container launch the Coordinator node with parameters:

# in neobotix_coordinator docker

ros2 launch neobotix_coordinator

The to be executed Behavior Tree can be adjusted in the corresponding launch file (e.g. located in 'src/neobotix_coordinator/launch'. In order to change it to an other behavior XML File, please adapt the parameters=[{'main_tree_path: .........}]. Alternative you can us the params.yaml file.

How to start the Groot editor?

You can start Groot as the graphical user interface for the Behavior Tree.

Attach to a new shell and start groot:

docker exec -it coordinator bash
ros2 run groot Groot

How to design a new Behavior Trees?

  1. Start the docker container as normal
  2. If new BT nodes were added or ports changed regenerate the GrootPalette by starting a test BT.
    # in ~/ros2_ws/
    colcon build
    ros2 launch neobotix_coordinator
  3. Start Groot in Editor mode
    ros2 run groot Groot
    # Click "Editor" and "START"
  4. Load GrootPalette with all custom nodes.
    Click on -> load to load palette from file.
    Choose the file from: /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_coordinator/behaviors/GrootPalette_nbtx.xml
  5. Build BT via drag and drop
  6. Save tree to file.
    Click on -> load to save.
    Choose location as: /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_coordinator/behaviors/<your_folder_name>/
  7. Create a new launch file with this parameter or adjust a existing launch file with this parameter:
    # in /home/docker/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_coordinator/launch/<your_launch_file>>
    parameters=[{'main_tree_path': "/home/docker/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_coordinator/behaviors/<your_folder_name>/<your_tree_name>.xml",
                 'groot_palette_path': "/home/docker/ros2_ws/src/neobotix_coordinator/behaviors/GrootPalette_nbtx.xml"}],
  8. Launch your node

Alternatively, you can adjust the .xml files diretly.

How to create a new custom node

There are currently 4 different types of nodes supported:

  • actions Use for ROS2 action client
  • services Use for ROS2 service client
  • conditions Use for classic BT condition with ROS2 node handle access
  • nodes Use for classic BT action with ROS2 node handle access

This instructions gives an example for a ROS2 action client

  1. Add a new header file in the corresponding folder at neobotix_coordinator/include/neobotix_coordinator/actions. For this, copy an existing file from that folder and rename. Use this structure as template. Copy MoveBase.h and rename to MyCustomActionNode.h.
  2. Add a new source file in neobotix_coordinator/src/actions. Copy MoveBase.cpp and rename to MyCustomActionNode.cpp.
  3. In this source file change the first line to include your newly added header.
    Replace: #include <neobotix_coordinator/actions/MoveBase.h>
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    #include <neobotix_coordinator/actions/MyCustomActionNode.h>
  4. In your header file MyCustomActionNode.h include the header files of your ROS2 interface you want to use. In this example it is located in the _interfaces package.
    Replace: #include <nav2_msgs/action/navigate_to_pose.hpp>
    Important: Interface header files are generated automatically. If your Interface file is called MyCustomAction.action (PascalCase) the generated header will be my_custom_action.hpp (snake_case).
    // in MyCustomActionNode.h
    #include <iras_interfaces/action/my_custom_action.hpp>
  5. Give an alias as shorter name.
    Replace: using NavigateToPoseAction = nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose;
    // in MyCustomActionNode.h
    using MyCustomAction = neobotix_interfaces::action::MyCustomAction;
  6. Replace all occurences where old alias is used with new one in .ccp and .h file. Use VSCode find and replace (strg + f) or rename symbol (F2) shortcut.
  7. Change the class name to the same name as the file.
    Replace: class MoveArm : public RosAction<MoveArmMoveIt>
    Important: The class name must be different from the given alias.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.h
    class MyCustomActionNode : public RosAction<MyCustomAction>
  8. Replace all occurences of the old class name in the source file .ccp with new one. Use VSCode find and replace (strg + f) or rename symbol (F2) shortcut.
    Replace: For every function: std::string MoveBase::ros2_action_name()
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    // for every function
    std::string MyCustomActionNode::ros2_action_name()
    /* ... */
  9. Set the topic name of the ROS2 action server to connect with as string.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    std::string MyCustomActionNode::ros2_action_name()
        return "my_custom_action_topic";
  10. Set the list of ports provided by the BT node.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    /* New port:
    *      direction = [BT::InputPort, BT::OutputPort, BT::BidirectionalPort]
    *      data_type = <[float, int, std::string]>
    *      name = ("name") */
    BT::PortsList MyCustomActionNode::providedPorts()
        return {BT::InputPort<std::string>("string_input"),
                /* ... */};
  11. Set the content of the goal message which is sent to the ROS2 action server.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    void MyCustomActionNode::on_send(MyCustomAction::Goal &goal)
        goal.header.frame_id = "custom_frame";
        goal.header.stamp = get_node_handle()->now();
        /* ... */
        log("Custom goal sent");
  12. Define what happens when recieving feedback from the ROS2 action server.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    void MyCustomActionNode::on_feedback(const std::shared_ptr<const NavigateToPoseAction::Feedback> feedback)
        /* ... */
        log("Feedback no. " + std::to_string(feedback.counter) + " recieved");
  13. Define what happens when recieving the result from the ROS2 action server.
    // in MyCustomActionNode.cpp
    void MyCustomActionNode::on_result(const rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<MyCustomAction>::WrappedResult &result, const MyCustomAction::Goal &goal)
        /* ... */
        log("Action finished");
  14. Include your header file in the Coordinator node at neobotix_coordinator/src/node.cpp
    // in node.cpp
    #include <neobotix_coordinator/actions/MyCustomActionNode.h>
  15. Register your node in the BehaviorTreeFactory.
    Important: The string given here defines the name of the node in BT XML representation and Groot.
    // in node.cpp
  16. Rebuild and start the container as described above. This will generate an updated GrootPalette to use in the graphical editor Groot as described in "How to design a new Behavior Tree"

Further information

Most parts of the Behavior Trees are implemented with services/ actions based on the server/ client principle.

To learn more about ROS2 service clients in general, please investigate the following link.

For further examples on the creation of custom nodes and the usage of a custom interface message, please review the aip_coordinator repository and especially the "" file.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Coordinator for Neobotix and UR







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