Preliminary investigation of machine learning techniques to perform parameters estimation for different crystal structure: hexagonal, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, triclinic, trigonal.
Starting from a spectral, which represent a crystal structure, the aim is to develop a ML model which can predict the three different parameters size: a, b, c.
Each observation is a couple (xi, yi), for which xi is a value between 0 and 90, with an increment of 0.02; yi is the intensity.
For each structure the three dimensions are not all equal; thus, is a multi-output regression problem. A Multi-Output Neural Network has been implemented for each crystal structure.
Task 1: Data Preparation
Task 2: Data Analysis Overview
- Descriptive Statistics
- Boxplot
- Correlation Matrix
- Pairplot
Tack 3: Multi-Output Regression