This is a back-end solution meant for usage as a Shopify private app. The app saves customer product wishlist into metafields to avoid the need for an external data store.
The app creates & updates a customer metafield that stores a string list of product handles (comma separated).
Metafield | Value |
customer.metafields.shopify_wishlist_app.wishlist | "product-handle-1,product-handle2,..." |
The front-end can make requests to the app's endpoints to fetch, create, update or delete a wishlist.
- Host this app on a server of your choice
- Setup your server's environment variables
- Query the app endpoints (via Javascript) from your Shopify theme to display or manipulate a customer's wishlist
- If NODE_ENV variable runs as 'development', the app will allow no-origin requests, so you can test it from any rest client as Postman, make GET request directly from the browser url bar, etc. Then, on production, the app only let any request pass through ALLOWED_ORIGINS.
# Origins/URLs that are allowed to make App/API requests
# Include the http/https protocols
# Comma separated for multiple origins
# Wishlist's metafield namespace
# Wishlist's metafield key
# Allowed scopes from the created app, copy them from app's dashboard (Comma separated)
# The "myshopify" domain
# Shopify private app key
# Shopify private app password/secret/access_token
All endpoints require a single :id
parameter in the URL which should represent a unique Shopify customer ID. Each request type may have extra data needed to fulfill the request, see below.
Query Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
format | optional | The format of the wishlist items to be returned. Supported value: product By default the wishlist will be returned as an Array<string> representing the product handles. Supplying the value product will return the wishlist as an Array<object> representing the full Shopify product JSON. |
Response (Default)
"id": <customer-id>,
"wishlist": [
"metafield": {
"id": <metafield-id>,
"namespace": "shopify_wishlist_app",
"key": "wishlist",
"value": "<product-handle>,<product-handle>,...",
"value_type": "string",
"description": null,
"owner_id": <customer-id>,
"created_at": <date>,
"updated_at": <date>
"owner_resource": "customer",
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/<metafield-id>"
"status": {
"message": "OK",
"code": 200
Response (Format: product
[Only displaying the wishlist
response key for brevity]
"wishlist": [
{ <shopify-product-JSON> },
{ <shopify-product-JSON> },
Body Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
handle | required | The Shopify product handle that should be added/removed from the wishlist. This endpoint acts as a toggle. If the requested handle does not currently exist in the wishlist, add it, otherwise remove it. |
"metafield": {
"id": <metafield-id>,
"namespace": "shopify_wishlist_app",
"key": "wishlist",
"value": "<product-handle>,<product-handle>,...",
"value_type": "string",
"description": null,
"owner_id": <customer-id>,
"created_at": <date>,
"updated_at": <date>
"owner_resource": "customer",
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/<metafield-id>"
"status": {
"message": "OK",
"code": 200
Returns a cached version of the metafield to check how it looked like before being deleted.
"metafield": {
"id": <metafield-id>,
"namespace": "shopify_wishlist_app",
"key": "wishlist",
"value": "<product-handle>,<product-handle>,...",
"value_type": "string",
"description": null,
"owner_id": <customer-id>,
"created_at": <date>,
"updated_at": <date>
"owner_resource": "customer",
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Metafield/<metafield-id>"
"status": {
"message": "OK",
"code": 200
- If you wan't the testing to be faster and more flexible, please run the app on the server with NODE_ENV as 'development' so you'll be able to use any kind of rest client request generator, as Postman, REST Client, etc. (This requests has no origin on it, they are like server-side ones).
- Only GET, POST, DELETE → /wishlist/:customerId should respond. The other ones may return 403 status with { authorized: false } JSON body.
- Sending no product handle prop on the POST route, should return a 400 Bad request error, with an error message.