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Better Minimalistic Area Card

A minimalistic area card to have a control panel of your house on your dashboard. This card will show numeric sensors with its value, and binary sensors with only the icon. Switches and lights will have their own button that you can tap/click to toggle, or tap/click and hold to see detailed information.

GitHub Release License hacs_badge

Sample preview

This is a fork of junalmeida/homeassistant-minimalistic-area-card, and I would like to thank the original author. The reason for renaming can be found in issue 128.

Migration from the original card

  • install this one from HACS - NOT YET - see issue-128 for details. Here is a video describing how to use this card. Just check the current options/settings.
  • replace type from custom:minimalistic-area-card by custom:better-minimalistic-area-card.


For entity options, see

For tap_action options, see

- type: custom:better-minimalistic-area-card
  title: Living Room
  image: /local/img/living-room.jpg #any image file on /config/www or an absolute image url. optional, it uses area image if area is specified. (optional)
  area: living_room # area id of an existing area defined in HA. (optional)
  camera_image: camera.living_room # a camera entity to use as background (optional)
  camera_view: 'auto' # auto, live (optional)
  icon: mdi:sofa (optional) Override the area icon.
  show_area_icon: true # boolean (optional), default false. Show the are icon in the title. The top-level option icon can override the icon.
  shadow: true # Draws a drop shadow on icons (optional)
  hide_unavailable: false # Hide unavailable entities (optional)
  state_color: true # enable or disable HA colors for all entities
  shadow: true # enable a drop shadow on entity icons to contrast with the background
  darken_image: true # reduce brightness of the background image to constrast with entities
  force_dialog: false # the default value for force_dialog on entities (optinal). Default: false
    color: red # Override the color for text and icons (optional)
    sensors_color: blue #Override the color for sensors (optional)
    buttons_color: blue #Override the color for buttons (optional)
    background_color: yellow # a color name, rgb hex or rgba function when an image is not provided (optional)
    shadow_color: grey # a color name, rgb hex or rgba function for shadow when enabled
    title: left # text align, values: left, right, center (optional)
    sensors: left # text align, values: left, right, center (optional)
    buttons: right # text align, values: left, right, center (optional)
    title_entities: right # text align, values: left, right (optional)
    action: navigate
    navigation_path: /lovelace/living-room
  entities: #optional, lists area entities automatically if ommited.
    - entity: media_player.living_room_tv
      state_color: false # enable or disable HA colors for this entity
      hide: false # show/hide entity (optional), default false
      force_dialog: false # force dialog for buttons instead of calling toogle
      show_state: true #show/hide state for sensors (binary_sensors are hidden by default) (optional, default true)
      section: auto # define the section where to show given entity (optional), default 'auto', possible values: auto, sensors, buttons, title. Sensors means the first line, buttons the second one, title op.
      unit_of_measurement: "my unit" # overrides the units of entity. (optional, default empty). Useful when entity don't have attribute with units.
    - entity: switch.fireplace_on_off
    - entity: cover.window_covering
        action: toggle
    - entity: media_player.speaker
    - entity: light.living_room_lamp
    - entity: sensor.hallway_humidity
    - entity: sensor.hallway_temperature
      color: blue
    - entity: binary_sensor.main_door_opening
      icon: mdi:door
      state_color: true
        - value: 'on'
          color: green
          icon: mdi:door-open
        - value: 'off'
          color: red
          icon: mdi:door-closed

State based overrides


state: # array of values
  - value: value # state value to match
    operator: '==' # optinal(default ==) - See state operators for details
    icon: mdi:my-icon" # entity icon used when state match
    color: color # color used when state match
    hide: false # Default false, conditionally hide the entity when state match given value

State operators

The order of your elements in the state object matters. The first one which is true will match. This copied the functionality from button-card.

Operator value example Description
< 5 Current state is inferior to value
<= 4 Current state is inferior or equal to value
== 42 or 'on' This is the default if no operator is specified. Current state is equal (== javascript) to value
>= 32 Current state is superior or equal to value
> 12 Current state is superior to value
!= 'normal' Current state is not equal (!= javascript) to value
regex '^norm.*$' value regex applied to current state does match
template See templates for examples. value needs to be a javascript expression which returns a boolean. If the boolean is true, it will match this state
default N/A If nothing matches, this is used

Experimental Templating support

You can use experimental support for templating that allows you to create a dynamic value based on the state or other attribute of any entity. Everything inside ${} is now evaluated as a template.


  - entity: climate.bedroom_thermostat_thermostat
    hide: ${hass.states['input_boolean.heating_season'].state === 'off'}
  - entity: binary_sensor.washing_machine_water_leakage_sensor_moisture
    hide: ${state == "off"}

Variables and types exposes in templates

hass : HomeAssistant - homeassistant object
state : any - state value of given entity or null
user : CurrentUser - structure represents the currently logged user
helpers: object - functions exposed to be used in the templates - see bellow


Templates supports a cople of function which can be used in templates. For concreate examples, please see test/utils.test.ts.

Helper Example Description
helpers.states ${helpers.states('binary_sensor.night')} Returns the state string (not the state object) of the given entity, unknown if it doesn’t exist, and unavailable if the object exists but is not available.
helpers.state_attr ${helpers.state_attr('switch.light','another_attribute')} will return the value of the attribute or null if it doesn’t exist.
helpers.is_state ${helpers.is_state('switch.light','off')}" compares an entity’s state with a specified state or list of states and returns True or False. is_state('device_tracker.paulus', 'home') will test if the given entity is the specified state. is_state('device_tracker.paulus', ['home', 'work']) will test if the given entity is any of the states in the list.
helpers.is_state_attr ${helpers.is_state_attr('some_attribute',['10','20'])}" will test if the given entity attribute is the specified state or in the list of given values
helpers.has_value ${helpers.has_value('switch.light')}" will test if the given entity is not unknown or unavailable.

CSS variables

  • --ha-better-minimalistic-area-card-color - configure color for text, sensors, buttons and state values
  • --ha-better-minimalistic-area-card-sensors-color - configure color for sensors and state values in the sensor area
  • --ha-better-minimalistic-area-card-buttons-color - configure color for buttons and state values in the button area
  • --ha-better-minimalistic-area-card-shadow-color - configure color of shadow (when enabled)


A minimalistic area card with sensors and buttons.








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  • TypeScript 94.1%
  • JavaScript 5.9%