Lets Customize LetSee 🎉🎉
released this
18 Jan 19:07
20 commits
to main
since this release
We made it public, all the protocols can be implemented to customize LetSee
struct JsonFileParser: FileNameParsing {
func parse(_ filePath: FileInformation) throws -> MockFileInformation {
let fileName = filePath.name.hasSuffix(".json") ? String(filePath.name.dropLast(5)) : filePath.name
let type: MockFileInformation.MockStatus = fileName.hasPrefix("error_") ? .failure : .success
let fileInformation = MockFileInformation(fileInformation: filePath,
statusCode: nil,
delay: nil,
status: type,
displayName: fileName)
return fileInformation
// injects LetSee, this object will be replaced by the default implementation.
// no need to store this object, LetSee will keep it strongly itself and it is accessible by LetSee.shared
let letSee = LetSee(jsonFileParser: JsonFileParser())