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@LevelbossMike LevelbossMike released this 24 Nov 14:51
· 4 commits to MIKE/cleanup-dependencies since this release


Minor Changes

  • 1c27cb6: Port add-on to a proper v2 add-on setup.

    This restructuring does change the behavior of the add-on slightly and is introducing breaking changes.

    🥁 Features

    use-machine is now an ember-resource-resource

    ember-statecharts now uses ember-resources under the hood to provide its functionality. Make sure you install it as a dependency of your project:

    ember install ember-resources

    This doesn't change the way you use useMachine but comes with the additional benefit of you now having the possibilty to create resources in your application and model their behavior explicitly via useMachine:


    import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
    import { Resource } from 'ember-resources';
    import { useMachine } from 'ember-statecharts';
    import asyncMachine from '../machines/async';
    function noop = async function() {}
    class Async extends Resource {
      @tracked onSuccess;
      @tracked onError;
      @tracked onSubmit;
      statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
        return {
          machine: asyncMachine.withConfig({
            actions: {
            services: {
      submit = () => {
      retry = () => {
      get isBusy() {
        return this.statechart.state.matches('busy');
      modify(positional, { onSubmit, onError, onSuccess}) {
        this.onSubmit = onSubmit || noop;
        this.onError = onError || noop;
        this.onSuccess = onSuccess || noop;
    // use it somewhere
    import Async from '../resources/async';
    class AsyncButton extends Component {
      async = Async.from(this, () => {
        return {
      get isDisabled() {
        return this.async.isBusy;
      // ...

    Please refer to the documentation of ember-resources to learn more how to implement your own custom resources, and how to use them in your projects.

    💥 Breaking changes

    statechart-computed-macro has been removed

    The @statechart-macro, i.e. the computed based statechart API has been removed from the add-on completely. ember-statecharts is a proper v2-addon now and chances
    are that if you still rely on the statechart-computed you won't need to update to a v2-addon. The API also does
    not play very well with the Octane paradigms.

    @matchesState-decorator removed

    The @matchesState-decorator has been removed. Decorators don't play very well with TypeScript and matching against state is a built-in feature of XState.

    Refactoring your @matchesState-decorators towards reactive getters is rather simple:

    @matchesState({ interactivity: 'idle'})
    // => refactor towards native getter
    get isIdle() {
      return this.statechart.state.matches({ interactivity: 'idle' })

    If you can't live without the decorator it is also rather simple to recreate it in your own project:

    import { matchesState as xStateMatchesState } from 'xstate';
    function matchesState(
      state: StateValue,
      statechartPropertyName = 'statechart'
    ): any {
      return function () {
        return {
          get(this: any): boolean {
            const statechart = this[statechartPropertyName] as
              | { state: { value: StateValue } }
              | undefined;
            if (statechart) {
              return xstateMatchesState(state, statechart.state.value);
            } else {
              return false;
    // you can use this as a @matchesState-decorator
    class ButtonComponent extends Component {
      statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
        // ...
      @matchesState('busy') isBusy;