Brief disclaimer:
- This is a practice project that covers:
- Developing API
- Coding with Django Framework
- Using technology to solve real-life problems
I started this project to learn new technologies, improve coding skills in Python (more specifically with Django REST Framework, ORM & API. This is a continuation of the UnifespTables project. The focus here is to demonstrate the power of Django as a backend framework, while learning about and starting my first open-source project tha focuses on building a better system to help Unifesp students when selecting their subjects in each semester.
HTTP Methods
- Request retrieve resource informationPOST
- The server creates a new entry in a databasePUT
- Updates an existing resourceDELETE
- Deletes resource or related component
- Creating virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
- Installing requirements:
make install
- Running the server:
python runserver
Open the browser or Postman tool and start making http requests!
Firstly this code starts after the conversion from a .csv file to the .db file from the file. Then, I've made a copy from the unifespSubjects.db from the UnifespTables project into the Django database by using the following commands:
Inside the unifespSubjects.db:
.output ucs.sql
.dump ucs
.read .read ucs.sql
INSERT INTO unifespClasses_subject SELECT * FROM ucs;
After that, the data from the previous project has been insert into our Django application.
The goal is to improve and grow the project in order to make the lives of our Undergrads easier.
- Some improvements/features on the horizon:
- Features:
- Better UI
- Platform with Auth
- Code improvements:
- Implement Docker containerization
- Automated testing
- Features: