Get Outside is a full stack MERN application with a front end built with React. It uses queries and mutations to get user information, posts and comments. And is mobile responsive. Get Outside has a homepage
where you can view the nav bar
, a create post button and all blog posts.
If a post is clicked a page is displayed with that single post, comments made on that post and a form to post a comment.
If the profile tab is clicked a page is displayed with all of the users posts.
If the tab on the nav bar labeled About is clicked a page is displayed that describes the application.
The nav bar includes links to; Homepage
, Profile
, About
and an icon that can be clicked to Log Out
or view profile
After you have cloned the repository, make sure to run the command line below to get all the dependencies and then run the seed and the server to get it up and running on your localhost:
npm i
npm run seed
npm run develop
As a User I would like to view a blog where I can post about my outdoor activities, view other users posts about their activities and comment on any post. When I visit the homepage I am presented with a screen directing me to log in or sign up. Once I have logged in or signed up I am presented with a navigation bar with Home, Profile and About as well as a profile icon where I can log out or visit my profile. I see a button to create a post and a list of posts. I can click on any post on the homepage to view or comment on that post.
Use React for the front end
Use GraphQL with a Node.js and Express.js server.
Use MongoDB and the Mongoose ODM for the database.
Use queries and mutations for retrieving, adding, updating, and
deleting data.
Use a polished UI.
Be deployed using Heroku (with data).
Be interactive (i.e., accept and respond to user input)
Include authentication (JWT).
If you have any issues, you can open an issue on github.