Server component of the LibRank demonstrator.
This repository contains the code for the API that is used by the
The UI component
uses the API to get some basic data about tasks, features, and
predefined rankings. The main purpose of the API is to determine the result
lists and performance for the tasks for custom model/feature weights
provided by the user. The actual calculation is done by the Model
objects in
First, setup the API and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd LibRank-Demonstrator-API
mkdir .lwp-cache
cpanm --installdeps .
If you want to setup your own version of the API you will need to provide some
additional data and setup some services in conf/
(using Bread::Board).
List of all tasks. This is used to populate the tasks panel and the result list panel in the UI. A task object looks like
"SearchTask": <task-id>,
"run": <run-id>,
"desc": <description of the task>,
"query": <query>
The default configuration expects a JSON file with one task object per line in data/tasks.json
(service tasks
The configured features are used to render the feature selection dialog in the UI. Features are arranged in a hierarchy. Each node in the hierachry looks like
"description": <description of the feature group>,
"label": <label for the group>,
"level": <level in the hierarchy>,
"items": [ <group node or feature>, ... ],
"show": <if true expand group by default>,
"hide": <if true do not show this branch in the view>,
"uuid": <unique node id; used to bind toggle handler in the view>,
The actual features are the leafs of this tree:
"key": <key of the feature; is used to set corresponding weight in the ranking model>,
"label": <short label for the feature>,
"description": <description of the feature>,
"hide": <if true do not show this feature in the view>
The default configuration expects a JSON file in data/features.json
(service features
) that contains a single JSON array ([ group-1, group-2, ...]).
The predefined rankings are used to populate the ranking selection dialog in the view. A ranking object looks like
"name": <label for the ranking model>,
"description": <description of the model>,
"normalize_weights": <if true normalize sum of the weights to one; this only applies to pOWAv1 models>,
"ranking": <model type: (pOWAv1|EconBiz)>,
"solr": [ <weights used to determine the text score> ],
"weights": [ <query independent parameter/weights> ]
The solr weights look like
"key": "solr/<solr param>/<solr field>", // e.g. "solr/pf/title"
"value": 10
The query independent weights are similar
"key": <key of the feature>,
"value": 1.5
The weights
array also contains the setting for the scaling factor for the query independent scores.
"key": "lr_w_qi",
"value": 100
The key is hard coded.
The default configuration expects a JSON file in data/rankings.json
(service rankings
) that contains a single JSON object (w/o line breaks):
description: ...,
runs: [
description: ...,
run: <run id>,
rankings: [ <ranking-1>, ... ]
The rankers extract the text scores from a solr instance. You will probably need to provide your own text_scorer
service to adjust for your local needs.
See the text_scorer
service and the WebService::Solr
service in
as a starting point.
The default configuration also uses solr to retrieve the metadata for the records. The metadata
is only used to populate the result list in the UI. You will probably need to provide your own
service for record_manager
to adjust for your local needs. See LibRank::Demonstrator::API::RecordManager::Solr
for a simple implementation.
The view expects the following metadata for a record
id: <id>,
title: [ <title>, ... ],
date: [ <year of publication>, ... ],
creator: [ <string>, ... ],
type: (article|book|...),
source: <string; source database of the record>
Finally, you need to provide the actual data used to determine the rankings of
documents and the performance of a task, i.e. the feature data and the relevance judgments. In the default configuration this data is provided by the task_data
service to initialize the task_manager
The task_data
service should provide a perl array with
run => <run id>,
tasks => [ <task>, ... ]
A task object (LibRank::Task) can be created as follows
my $task = LibRank::Task->new(sid => <task id>, query => <query>);
foreach my $doc (@docs) {
A document looks like this
record_id => <record id>,
features => { <feature key> => <feature value>, ... },
qrel => {
gradual => <gradual relevance judgment>,
binary => <binary relevance judgment>
There is no actual default configuration for the tasks
service, but
an example that uses the LibRank::Task::JSONReader
to read data from
a file. The JSONReader
reads in flattened tasks. I.e. it expects
one document per line added with data for the task (SearchTask
) it belongs to. The documents must be sorted by SearchTask
Start the API as usual, e.g.
starman -Ilib --preload-app librank_demonstrator_api.psgi
The app should be preloaded so that especially task data/feature matrices are shared between workers.
Then make the API accessible under /api
within the same domain as the UI.