A Small Quantum Intermediate Representation
To compile the code, use:
Note that make
will take a while. To add additional targets to the Makefile, edit the _CoqProject file. In case of compilation trouble, try make clean
before running ./configure.sh
Note that the teleport example is not currently compiled.
The development has only been tested with Coq version 8.8.2.
The files below are specific to SQIRE.
- SQIRE.v : General definition of the SQIRE language.
- UnitarySem.v : Semantics for unitary SQIRE programs.
- DensitySem.v : Density matrix semantics for general SQIRE programs.
- NDSem.v : Non-deterministic semantics for general SQIRE programs.
- Compose.v : Composition of unitary SQIRE programs.
We rely on several files from the QWIRE development.
The primary use case for SQIRE is as an IR in a verified compiler. The compiler directory contains current progress on transformations of SQIRE programs.
- compiler/Equivalences.v : verifies several circuit equivalences useful for the optimizations in Transformations.v.
- compiler/Mapping.v : verifies a simple circuit mapping example.
- compiler/Optimizations.v : verifies several simple optimizations of SQIRE programs including skip removal and not propagation.
We also include several examples of using SQIRE for general verification. The files in the examples directory verify correctness properties of simple quantum algorithms.
- examples/Deutsch.v
- examples/DeutschJozsa.v
- examples/GHZ.v
- examples/Superdense.v
- examples/Teleport.v