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Releases: Lifailon/usup


07 Mar 14:10
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  • Fixed a common error with ssh connection:

connecting to clients failed: connecting to remote host failed: Connect(""): ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

By updating the package:

go: upgraded v0.0.0-20190102082740-ec0822bcc4f4 => v0.1.1

  • Fixed the problem with get ssh key in Windows system (environment variables corrected).
  • Completely disabled the use of ssh-agent to get keys (to avoid errors from Signers).
  • Fixed the problem with the Inventory parameter not working in the Windows system (The default interpreter has been changed depending on the OS being used and also uses PowerShell Core if available).
  • Removed the code responsible for backward compatibility in configuration (no longer relevant)


  • Added display of dynamic hosts from Invontory when calling the program without specifying a host group.
  • Added new flag -u to read configuration from URL (example, usup -u dev date).
  • The process of searching for the default configuration file has been changed (list here).
  • Added the process of installing a binary file via a script from the GitHub repository for Linux and macOS systems, and also implemented the process of building binaries via GitHub Actions.