Course Title : CSL405 - Skill Base Lab Course: Python Programming
Module - 1 : Python Basics
- Data types in python, Operators in python, Input and Output, Control statement, Arrays in python, String and Character in python, Functions, List and Tuples, Dictionaries Exception, Introduction to OOP, Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Inheritance
8. Python Encapsulation - Polymorphism
Module - 2 : Advanced Python
- Files in Python, Directories, Building Modules, Packages, Text Processing, Regular expression in python.
3. Modules & Packages in Python
5. Regular Expressions in Python
Module - 3 : Data Structures in Python
- Link List, Stack, Queues, Dequeues
Module - 4 : Python Integration Primer
- Graphical User interface, Networking in Python, Python database connectivity, Introduction to Django
Module - 5 : Multithreading
- Thread and Process, Starting a thread, Threading module, Synchronizing threads, Multithreaded Priority Queue
Module - 6 : NumPy & Pandas
- Creating NumPy arrays, Indexing and slicing in NumPy, creating multidimensional arrays, NumPy Data types, Array Attribute, Indexing and Slicing, Creating array views copies, Manipulating array shapes I/O Basics of Pandas, Using multilevel series, Series and Data Frames, Grouping, aggregating, Merge Data Frames
- Dr. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, Dreamtech Press
- Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1. James Payne, Wrox Publication
- Anurag Gupta, G. P. Biswas, “Python Programming”, McGraw-Hill
- E. Balagurusamy, “Introduction to computing and problem-solving using python”, McGraw Hill Education
- Learn Python the Hard Way, 3rd Edition, Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series
- Laura Cassell, Alan Gauld, “Python Projects”, Wrox Publication
1. Learn Python- Full Course for Beginners
3. DataCamp Python Programming Course
- This material was prepared as a part of Course Title : Skill Base Lab Course: Python Programming Offered by the University of Mumbai to the Second Year Students of Branches of Computer Engineering and Artifical Intelligence & Data Science.