Platform | compiler | gson-support | binder | SparseArray | data-binding |
java | ok | ok | need manual impl | ok | need manual impl |
android | ok | ok | ok | ok | ok |
a data-mediator framework which uses annotation processing to generate boilerplate code for you.
- 1, Auto generate 'data-impl' and 'data-proxy' (use plugin to generare methods of 'data-module'). support listen property change, Detail
- 2, auto generate get/is/set, hashCode, equals,toString method.
- 3, support chain call. Detail
- 4, support impl Serializable and parcelable(android). or others. Detail
- 5, full support Annotations of Google/Gson. Detail
- 6, support self method. self field. extend self interface you like. Detail
- 7, support data cache. Detail
- 8, support List/SparseArray Editor with their callbacks. Detail
- 9, support depend or extend other data model.
- 10, Full support Data-binding on android.
- 11, full support data-binding in adapter which Can Best Seamless with 'butterknife'.
public class InnerViewHolder extends DataBindingRecyclerAdapter.DataBindingViewHolder<Student>{
@BindView( @BindText("name")
TextView mTv_name;
@BindView( @BindText("age")
TextView mTv_age;
public InnerViewHolder(View itemView) {
protected void onPreCreateDataBinding(View itemView) {
ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView);
public void onClickName(View v){
//here just toast
Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "onClickName is called, pos = "
+ getAdapterPosition2(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onClickAge(View v){
//here just toast
Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), "onClickAge is called, pos = "
+ getAdapterPosition2(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onClickChangeItem(View v){
final int pos = getAdapterPosition2();
.setAge((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() % 99))
.setName("google+__" + pos);
//Note: no need notifyItemChanged here.
- 12, support bind property chain. like '@BindBackground("viewBind.background")'. actual demo like this:
public class SimplePropertyChainActivity extends BaseActivity {
//'viewBind' is a property name of RootModule.
@BindView( @BindBackground("viewBind.background")
View mV_bg;
//.............more views
private ResHelper mHelper = new ResHelper();
private Binder<RootModule> rootBinder;
private DataMediator<ViewBind> dm_viewBind;
protected int getLayoutId() {
return R.layout.ac_test_view_bind;
protected void onInit(Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RootModule rootModule = DataMediatorFactory.createData(RootModule.class);
//bind data.
rootBinder = DataMediatorFactory.bind(this, rootModule);
dm_viewBind = DataMediatorFactory.createDataMediator(
rootBinder.getDataMediator(), rootModule.getViewBind());
public void onClickChangeBg(View v){
//change bg(drawable)
- 13, Plugin support:
* the plugin of 'data-mediator-intellij-plugin' used to generate module.
- 14, support android lint.
compile ''
- first , install the plugin of 'data-mediator-intellij-plugin', see it in release.
- [Optionally] install the convertor plugin . if you want to convert java bean to the module of 'Data-Mediator'. click data-mediator-convertor-intellij-plugin.jar to download
- java platform(for java/j2ee).
- 1, gradle.
apply plugin: "net.ltgt.apt-idea" apply plugin: 'java' buildscript { repositories { jcenter() maven { url "" } } dependencies { classpath "net.ltgt.gradle:gradle-apt-plugin:0.12" } } repositories { jcenter() maven { url "" } } idea { project { // experimental: whether annotation processing will be configured in the IDE; only actually used with the 'idea' task. configureAnnotationProcessing = true } module { apt { // whether generated sources dirs are added as generated sources root addGeneratedSourcesDirs = true // whether the apt and testApt dependencies are added as module dependencies addAptDependencies = true // The following are mostly internal details; you shouldn't ever need to configure them. // whether the compileOnly and testCompileOnly dependencies are added as module dependencies addCompileOnlyDependencies = false // defaults to true in Gradle < 2.12 // the dependency scope used for apt and/or compileOnly dependencies (when enabled above) //PROVIDED mainDependenciesScope = "COMPILE" // defaults to "COMPILE" in Gradle < 3.4, or when using the Gradle integration in IntelliJ IDEA } } }
2, idea setting
- (1), setting -> compiler -> annotation Processor -> more to see idea
- (2), set generate dir to the source/test source dir.
- (1), setting -> compiler -> annotation Processor -> more to see idea
3, add dependencies.
dependencies { compile '<see release>' compile '<see release>' compile '<see release>' apt '<see release>' apt 'com.squareup:javapoet:1.9.0' }
- android platform ( for android project) .
- if you use old gradle version lower of 4.1. such as: '3.5'
- 1, in the root build file。
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'
- 2, in app module add apt plugin
apply plugin: ''
- 3, add dependencies
dependencies { // gson-support( added since 1.2.0) compile '<see release>' compile '<see release>' compile '<see release>' apt '<see release>' apt 'com.squareup:javapoet:1.9.0' // if you want generate annotation of gson。(since 1.2.0 auto added) compile "" // if you want to support data-bind of android compile '<see release>' }
- if you use gradle version >=4.1. use 'annotationProcessor' directly.
dependencies { // gson-support( added since 1.2.0) compile '<see release>' compile '<see release>' compile '<see release>' annotationProcessor '<see release>' annotationProcessor 'com.squareup:javapoet:1.9.0' // if you want generate annotation of gson。(since 1.2.0 auto added) compile "" // if you want to support data-bind of android compile '<see release>' }
- if you use old gradle version lower of 4.1. such as: '3.5'
1,[Optional] global configuration.
gsonConfig = @GsonConfig(
version = 2.0,
forceDisable = false,
generateJsonAdapter = true
2, define your data module。eg: if i want to define a student module , and need impl Serializable, Parcelable. And if the student module has age, name, id property。 thus the simple data module can be define like :
@Field(propName = "age" , type = int.class),
@Field(propName = "name" , type = String.class),
@Field(propName = "id" , type = long.class),
public interface Student extends Serializable, Parcelable{
3, use 'data-mediator-intellij-plugin' generate code, hot key like alt + insert. (you should instanll the plugin , see release).
4, call sample (from project(data-mediator-demo) TestPropertyChangeActivity)
* listen property change demo
* Created by heaven7 on 2017/9/18 0018.
public class TestPropertyChangeActivity extends BaseActivity {
TextView mTv_desc;
Button mBt_changeProperty;
Button mBt_temp;
DataMediator<Student> mMediator;
protected int getLayoutId() {
return R.layout.ac_test_double_bind;
protected void onInit(Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mBt_changeProperty.setText("click this to change property");
//create data mediator from data module
mMediator = DataMediatorFactory.createDataMediator(Student.class);
//add callback
mMediator.addDataMediatorCallback(new DataMediatorCallback<Student>() {
public void onPropertyValueChanged(Student data, Property prop, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
Logger.w("TestPropertyChangeActivity","onPropertyValueChanged","prop = "
+ prop.getName() + " ,oldValue = " + oldValue + " ,newValue = " + newValue);
public void onClickSetTextOnTextView(View v){
mMediator.getDataProxy().setName("time: " + System.currentTimeMillis());
- more sample see demos
-dontwarn com.heaven7.adapter.**
-keepclasseswithmembers public class * implements$Poolable{
-keepclasseswithmembers public interface * extends$Poolable{
-keep class * extends{
-keep class
-keep public class
-keep class$StaticLoader
# needed since 1.4.0
-keepclasseswithmembers class{*;}
-keepclasseswithmembers class * extends{*;}
-keep public class * extends { *; }
-keep public class * extends { *; }
- process opposite state in 'DataBindingViewHolder'.
- see here.
Copyright 2017
group of data-mediator
member: heaven7(
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.