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carmocca committed Mar 21, 2024
2 parents 9330f57 + 348597f commit cf03941
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 84 deletions.
99 changes: 41 additions & 58 deletions thunder/benchmarks/
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import thunder
from thunder.tests.lit_gpt_model import Config, GPT, Block

from lightning.fabric.utilities.throughput import measure_flops
from lightning.fabric.utilities.throughput import measure_flops
from lightning.fabric.utilities import Throughput

# from lightning.fabric.utilities import Throughput

world_size = int(os.environ.get("WORLD_SIZE", 1))
local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", 0))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +105,10 @@ def __init__(
self.config.n_layer = n_layers

# Initialize the model
t0 = time.perf_counter()
print(f"Loading model with {self.config.__dict__}")
self.model = self.init_model()
print(f"Time to instantiate model: {time.perf_counter() - t0:.02f} seconds.")

# Setup the distributed algorithm choices
if self.distributed_mode != "none":
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,14 +137,10 @@ def __init__(

def init_model(self):
print(f"Loading model with {self.config.__dict__}")
init_device = torch.device("meta") if self.distributed_mode == "fsdp" else self.device
t0 = time.perf_counter()
with init_device:
model = GPT(self.config)
print(f"Time to instantiate model: {time.perf_counter() - t0:.02f} seconds.")
return model

def setup_distributed(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,32 +238,38 @@ def pad_collate(batch):
y_padded = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(y, batch_first=True, padding_value=-1)
return x_padded, y_padded

train_data = DummyDataset(self.model.max_seq_length, self.dynamic)
train_data = DummyDataset(self.config.block_size, self.dynamic)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(
train_data, batch_size=self.micro_batch_size, num_workers=2, collate_fn=pad_collate

return train_dataloader

def calculate_model_flops(self):
input_ids, targets = next(self.train_data_iter)
input_ids =
targets =
meta = torch.device("meta")
device = self.device
self.device = meta

# calculate flops on a meta-device model because we only care about the shapes and
# because the flops calculator installs hooks on the model
meta_model = self.init_model()

model_fwd = lambda: self.model(input_ids)
x = torch.randint(0, 1, (self.micro_batch_size, meta_model.config.block_size), device=meta)
model_fwd = lambda: meta_model(x)
model_loss = lambda y: torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(
y.reshape(-1, y.size(-1)), targets.reshape(-1), ignore_index=-1
y.reshape(-1, y.size(-1)), x.reshape(-1), ignore_index=-1
self.perf_metrics["model_flops"] = measure_flops(self.model, model_fwd, model_loss) / 1e12
self.perf_metrics["model_flops"] = measure_flops(meta_model, model_fwd, model_loss)

self.device = device

def train(self):
t0 = None
# if global_rank in [0, None]:
# #Calculate the model FLOPs
# self.calculate_model_flops()
# Setup Perf Collection
# self.throughput = Throughput(window_size=10, world_size=world_size)
if global_rank in [0, None]:
# Calculate the model FLOPs
# Setup throughput Collection
self.throughput = Throughput(window_size=self.max_iters - self.warmup_iter, world_size=world_size)

if "transformerengine" in self.compile:
import transformer_engine.pytorch as te
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,45 +327,30 @@ def train(self):
f"iter {i}: loss {loss_item:.4f}, iter time: {(t1 - iter_t0) * 1000:.2f}ms, t: {input_ids.size(1)}"

# if global_rank in [0, None] and i >=warmup_iter:
# self.throughput.update(
# time=(t1-t0),
# flops=self.model_flops,
# batches=i,
# samples=(i * self.micro_batch_size * self.gradient_accumulation_steps),
# lengths=(i * self.micro_batch_size * self.gradient_accumulation_steps * self.model.max_seq_length),
# )

# metrics = self.throughput.compute()
# if i % 10 == 0:
# print(metrics)
if i >= self.warmup_iter:
time=(t1 - t0),
samples=(i * self.micro_batch_size * self.gradient_accumulation_steps),
lengths=(i * self.micro_batch_size * self.gradient_accumulation_steps * self.config.block_size),

if global_rank in [0, None]:
# print(f"Total time: {(t1 - t0):.2f}s")
# print(f"Average time per iter: {((t1 - t0)*1000)/(max_iters-warmup_iter):.2f}ms")
self.perf_metrics["average_iter_time"] = ((t1 - t0) * 1000) / (self.max_iters - self.warmup_iter)

def add_perf_metrics(self):
# tokens_per_sec = total number of benchmarked iterations x global BS x block_size / total elapsed time (s)
# = global BS x block_size / (total elapsed time (s)/total number of benchmarked iterations)
# = global BS x block_size / average iter time (s)
self.perf_metrics["tokens_per_sec"] = (
self.global_batch_size * self.model.max_seq_length * 1000 / self.perf_metrics["average_iter_time"]
) # tokens/s
if self.perf_metrics["model_flops"] is not None:
self.perf_metrics["model_flop_per_sec"] = (
self.perf_metrics["model_flops"] * 1000 / self.perf_metrics["average_iter_time"]
if world_size is not None:
self.perf_metrics["model_flop_per_sec"] *= world_size
metrics = self.throughput.compute()
self.perf_metrics["tokens_per_sec"] = metrics.get("items_per_sec", metrics["device/items_per_sec"])
self.perf_metrics["model_flop_per_sec"] = metrics.get("flops_per_sec", metrics["device/flops_per_sec"])
self.perf_metrics["memory_used_GB"] = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 1e9

def add_model_info_to_metrics(self):
if global_rank in [0, None]:
self.perf_metrics["model_name"] = self.model_name
self.perf_metrics["Num GPUS"] = world_size
self.perf_metrics["Seq Len"] = self.model.max_seq_length
self.perf_metrics["Seq Len"] = self.config.block_size
self.perf_metrics["Micro BS"] = self.micro_batch_size
self.perf_metrics["Global BS"] = self.global_batch_size
self.perf_metrics["GA"] = self.gradient_accumulation_steps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,7 +402,7 @@ def benchmark_main(return_metrics_as_json=False, json_path="", **kwargs) -> None

f"Model name: {benchmark.model_name}\nSeq Length: {benchmark.model.max_seq_length}\nMicro BS: {benchmark.micro_batch_size}\nGlobal BS: {benchmark.global_batch_size}"
f"Model name: {benchmark.model_name}\nSeq Length: {benchmark.config.block_size}\nMicro BS: {benchmark.micro_batch_size}\nGlobal BS: {benchmark.global_batch_size}"
f"Number of Layers: {benchmark.config.n_layer}\nNumber of parameters: {sum(p.numel() for p in benchmark.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) / 1e9:.02f}B"
Expand All @@ -429,12 +415,9 @@ def benchmark_main(return_metrics_as_json=False, json_path="", **kwargs) -> None
print(f"Compiler: {benchmark.compile}")
print(f"Average iter time: {benchmark.perf_metrics['average_iter_time']:.2f} ms")
print(f"Memory used: {benchmark.perf_metrics['memory_used_GB']:.02f} GB")
print(f"Throughput (Tokens/s): {benchmark.perf_metrics['tokens_per_sec']:.02f} tokens/s")
f"Normalized Throughput (Tokens/s/GPU): {(benchmark.perf_metrics['tokens_per_sec']/world_size):.02f} tokens/s/gpu"
if benchmark.perf_metrics["model_flop_per_sec"] is not None:
print(f"Model TFLOP/s: {benchmark.perf_metrics['model_flop_per_sec']:.02f} TFLOP/s")
print(f"Tokens/s: {benchmark.perf_metrics['tokens_per_sec']:.02f}")
print(f"Tokens/s/GPU: {(benchmark.perf_metrics['tokens_per_sec']/world_size):.02f}")
print(f"TFLOP/s: {benchmark.perf_metrics['model_flop_per_sec'] / 1e12:.02f}")

except Exception as error:
# Helps catch OutOfMemory Errors and post processing of errors
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49 changes: 23 additions & 26 deletions thunder/benchmarks/
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Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
MID_BENCHMARK_OUT - use this env variable to control whether you want to see the combined results
between each test.
BENCHMARK_OUT_FORMAT - use this env variable to control the format in which the results are presented.
Uses 'xlsx' by default. More format support to come soon.
Uses 'xlsx' by default. Supported: 'none', 'print', 'xlsx'.

import torch
from absl.testing import parameterized
from absl.testing import absltest
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import subprocess
import json
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ def add_to_dataframe(self):

def complete_dataframe(self, is_teardown):
if not self.dataframe_data:
# The benchmark probably failed
#Called when tearing down the parametrized test
#This generates a summarized dataframe for each perf metric and saves as a xlsx file
df = pd.DataFrame(self.dataframe_data)
Expand All @@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ def complete_dataframe(self, is_teardown):
self.tokens_per_sec_per_gpu_df = df.pivot_table(index=index_list, columns='compiler', values='tokens_per_sec_per_gpu', aggfunc='first').reset_index()
self.memory_used_GB_df = df.pivot_table(index=index_list, columns='compiler', values='memory_used_GB', aggfunc='first').reset_index()

if self.output_format not in ('none', 'print'):
if self.output_format == "xlsx":
output_ext = {'xlsx': '.xlsx', }[self.output_format]
if not is_teardown:
filename = 'mid_output_parameterized_results' + str(output_ext)
Expand All @@ -83,7 +87,6 @@ def complete_dataframe(self, is_teardown):

def run_benchmark(self, kwargs):
# benchmark_file = 'thunder/benchmarks/'
command_list = []
for key, val in kwargs.items():
command_list.append("--" + str(key) + "=" + str(val))
Expand All @@ -97,32 +100,26 @@ def run_benchmark(self, kwargs):

print(f'Running {" ".join(subprocess_cmd)!r}')
proc_output =, capture_output=True, text=True)

self.perf_metrics_dict = {}
if os.path.exists(self.json_file_path):
with open(self.json_file_path, 'r') as file:
self.perf_metrics_dict = json.load(file)
# Cleanup after the benchmark finishes. It might have failed before creating this

if proc_output.returncode:

with open(self.json_file_path, 'r') as file:
self.perf_metrics_dict = json.load(file)
os.remove(self.json_file_path) #cleanup after test finishes

if self.perf_metrics_dict['average_iter_time'] is None:
if 'CUDA out of memory' in proc_output.stdout:
self.perf_metrics_dict['average_iter_time'] = 'OOM'
self.perf_metrics_dict['model_flops'] = 'OOM'
self.perf_metrics_dict['model_flop_per_sec'] = 'OOM'
self.perf_metrics_dict['tokens_per_sec'] = 'OOM'
self.perf_metrics_dict['tokens_per_sec_per_gpu'] = 'OOM'
self.perf_metrics_dict['memory_used_GB'] = 'OOM'
if 'CUDA out of memory' in proc_output.stdout or "CUDA error: out of memory" in proc_output.stderr:
defaultdict_oom = defaultdict(lambda: "OOM")
self.perf_metrics_dict = defaultdict_oom
pass_str = "TestCase did not finish reporting metrics due to CUDA out of memory error. Reporting OOM and triggering test success."
return True, pass_str
fail_str = "Testcase did not finish reporting metrics due to an unknown error. Triggering test failure."
return False, fail_str
return True, "Test passed successfully."
fail_str = "TestCase did not finish reporting metrics due to an unknown error. Triggering test failure."
return False, fail_str
return True, "Test passed successfully."

class Test(parameterized.TestCase):
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