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Creating Parkour Maps
In order to make your first parkour map you will first need to make sure that lobby location is set, you can do that using SetLobby
command while standing on the position you want to be set as the lobby.
Now you can start map creation process by using CreateParkour <Name>
command, name cant have spaces and has to be one word, but you can use SetDisplayName <Name>
command after which can contain spaces and will be displayed in most places in the plugin, if you dont set display name default name will be used instead.
Parkour Maker also uses editor style system which means that once you type CreateParkour
or EditMap <Name>
(EditMap command required default map name) commands you will be put into the editor mode for the specified map meaning that all further commands that you use for modifying parkour maps will be changing the map you are editing. To exit editor mode simply type EditMap
this will exit edit mode.
There are two more essential things first one is setting the starting point of the parkour map, you do that by using SetStart
command while standing on the block you wish to be marked as the start of the map where players will be teleported once they join this parkour map. And the last essential step is setting the finish point, you can do that using SetFinish <Type>
command, now unlike starting position finish position can be a single block in which case you would use SINGLE
for the type, but if you wish for the finish point to be bigger then 1 block you can make a selection with a world edit wand and use MULTI
as the type which will use that whole selection as the finish point.
Those are all of the essential things you need to set in order to make a parkour map playable all the other features are optional and are not required for map to be playable.
By default when created a parkour map is disabled, to enable it you will need to use Toggle <Name>
(Toggle command required default map name) if map is disabled it will be enabled and if its enabled it will be disabled simple. Map cannot be enabled if the essential features mentioned above are not set. Also worth mentioning is that if you disable a map while there are players in it they will all be teleported to the lobby.
When a player reaches finish point they are teleported to the lobby, if you wish that they be teleported somewhere else you can do that by using SetFinishTeleport
command while standing on the block you want them to be teleported to after they reach finish point. Each map can have different or same location.
Checkpoints are used as a point where player will be teleported to if they fall into the fall zone area having previously reached that checkpoint. The way to add checkpoint is by using AddCheckpoint <Type> <Position> [Name]
command, yes same as the finish point checkpoints can be single or multi type the only difference being that if you are using multi type you still need to stand on the block you wish player to be teleported to after falling into the fall zone while selection area is used to detect if the player has reached certain checkpoint. The position is used to tell the order of checkpoints it goes from 1 and up, 0 is reserved for starting point. For example if player reaches checkpoint with position 1 he will no longer be teleported to the starting point but to the checkpoint with the position number 1, if he then reaches checkpoint 2 he will be teleported to checkpoint 2 if he falls into the fall zone and so on. The name is optional and is purely cosmetic, checkpoint position will be used instead if name is not specified in messages, keep in mind that checkpoint names can have spaces.
Fall zones are areas(usually beloved the platform) that are there to catch players that fall of the platform and put the back on the right track. To add fall zone you will first need to make a world edit selection and then use AddFallzone <Name>
command. Names can have spaces and are used to tell different fall zones apart.
You can add rewards in a form of a command that will be executed on the player once they finish a parkour map using AddReward <Command>
command, commands do not need to have /
, if you need to put player name use %player-name%
placeholder and of course commands can contain spaces. Number of rewards that you want to add is up to you, they will all be rewarded by default since default rewarding type is set to ALL
, but you can also change that by using SetRewardType <Type>
command and setting type to RANDOM
this will reward only 1 reward from all rewards at random.
If you want to limit players to how often they can play a certain map you can do that by adding the join cooldown using SetCooldown <Type> <Amount>
command, where type should be set to JOIN
and amount should be set in seconds. Now players will be able to join this parkour map every X amount of seconds that you specified. You can also limit how often they can get rewards from certain maps by using the same command and setting type to REWARD
which will now reward players only if they don't have reward cooldown on that parkour map upon completion. To remove the cooldown simply set the it to 0.
Attempts are like lives in a video game a player can fall in a fall zone certain amount of times before its game over and he is teleported to the lobby. To set amount of attempts a player has you need to use SetAttempts <Amount>
command, where amount would be the amount of lives they have, set to 0 if you wish for players to have unlimited attempts.
You can set tittle messages to be displayed at the start of a parkour map and when they finish parkour map as well. To set start tittle message use SetStartMessage [Message]
command, message can have spaces and supports color and hex codes(1.16 and up). To set finish tittle message use SetFinishMessage [Message]
command, same rules are applied as for the start tittle command. If you wish to hide these messages you can set them as empty messages using the same commands and they wont be shown.
For deleting features of the parkour map there is a Delete <Feature> [Identifier]
command, which can remove certain aspects of the map or the entire map that is currently being edited. Features that you can put in the feature field are Checkpoints, Fallzones, Rewards, FinishTeleport and Map
, as for the identifier it depends on the feature. For checkpoints you will need to put position of the checkpoint to delete it, for fall zones you will need to put fall zone name to delete it, for reward you need to put reward id which you can check using Info
command or in the map save file under reward
section, for finish teleport you are not required to put any identifier and lastly for the map you will need to re enter map name of the map you are editing as a security measure. Once you do that you will be prompted with a message that asks you if you are sure that you want to delete the map if you are simply re enter the command and the parkour will be deleted.
To make a join sign you will first need to set some text for the parkour map by using AddSignText <Line> <Text>
command, lines can be from 1 to 4 which will represent the sign line and the text can also contain spaces and supports color codes and hex codes(1.16 and up). You can also use some placeholder like the one for parkour name, after you finished setting all four lines or less depending on your choice you can place a sign somewhere in the world and type the following in the second line [SetJoinSign]
(not case sensitive), this will transform the sign into a join sign and you will be able to join parkour maps by clicking on it. If you wish to break the sign you need to make sure to first have permission to do it and then hold shift click while breaking the sign.
The plugin offered the command Time
to view leaderboards and best times but there are ways of making it mode player friendly. The way you do that is by utilizing Placeholder API placeholders, basically any plugin that has PAPI support can display run time and leaderboards for each map and each player so for example you could use your favorite Holographic text plugin to do it or maybe a Scoreboard plugin its all up to you. This is just a reminder that this option is possible.