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Script taking in historical uniswapV3 transaction and event data to output LP pnl

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This repo analyzes which LP positions are making the most fees on a target Uniswap V3 pool using historial event and transaction data about activity on the pool.

This was built to work with pools deployed by the Clanker project, but should work with any Uniswap V3 pool with minimal modifications.

The output of this program is a CSV file with the following information:

Position Info:
├─ Token ID:                  1487610
├─ Token Action Index:        4
├─ Action Taken:              IncreaseLiquidity
├─ Lower Tick:                -887200
├─ Upper Tick:                887200
├─ Opening info:
│  ├─ Block In:                  23811582
│  ├─ Token Amount In:           208168263364547375450278112
│  ├─ WETH Amount In:            282484755239206530
│  ├─ SqrtPriceLimitX96 In:      7518598854285689184029296
│  ├─ Tick In:                   -185264
│  ├─ Liquidity In:              7618565952586391586621
├─ Closing info:
│  ├─ Block Out:                 23849520
│  ├─ Token Amount Out:          98149514122120427525956866
│  ├─ WETH Amount Out:           591368665378112390
│  ├─ SqrtPriceLimitX96 Out:     6149851956130248128746138
│  └─ Tick Out:                   -189283
├─ Position PNL ---
│  token fees earned:                   99877808608147915287192192
│  weth fees earned:                    601160642580099050
│  net token gain (if position closed): -10140940634279032637129054
│  net weth gain (if position closed):  910044552719004910
│  approx starting weth:  2102874230578705641
│  approx ending weth:    2356092089989234879
└─ net pnl in weth:       253217859410529238

The program treats each position modification (open, increase liquidity, decrease liquidity) as a separate position for the purposes of calculating fees earned and position PNL. The index plus token ID can show the history of actions on the position (e.g. 1487610, 4 is the 4th action taken on position 1487610, and the action was an increase in liquidity).

Expected Data format

The example data in the example_pool_data folder is from the based_fartcoin pool on Base. Similar data can be found by querying Dune like such:

-- For uniswap v3 pool events
FROM uniswap_v3_base.UniswapV3Pool_evt_Initialize
WHERE contract_address = 0xFdbAf04326AcC24e3d1788333826b71E3291863a ORDER BY (evt_block_number, evt_index);

-- For uniswap v3 nonfungible position manager increaseLiquidity events (includes amount0Desired and amount1Desired as additional columns)
WITH token_calls AS (SELECT 
    output_liquidity as liquidity,
    CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.amount0Desired') AS varchar) as amount0Desired,
    CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.amount1Desired') AS varchar) as amount1Desired
FROM uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_call_mint 
WHERE LOWER(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.token1')) = LOWER('0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006') 
    AND LOWER(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.token0')) = LOWER('0x2f6c17fa9f9bC3600346ab4e48C0701e1d5962AE')
    AND call_success = true
    AND call_block_number <= 25601659


    CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.tokenId') AS uint256) as output_tokenId,
    output_liquidity as liquidity,
    CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.amount0Desired') AS varchar) as amount0Desired,
    CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.amount1Desired') AS varchar) as amount1Desired
FROM uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_call_increaseliquidity
WHERE call_success = true
    AND call_block_number <= 25601659
    AND CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.tokenId') AS uint256) IN (
        SELECT output_tokenId 
        FROM uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_call_mint
        WHERE LOWER(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.token1')) = LOWER('0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006') 
            AND LOWER(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.token0')) = LOWER('0x2f6c17fa9f9bC3600346ab4e48C0701e1d5962AE')
            AND call_success = true
            AND call_block_number <= 25601659
SELECT il.*, m.amount0Desired, m.amount1Desired
FROM token_calls m
    uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_evt_increaseliquidity il 
    ON m.output_tokenId = il.tokenId
    AND m.call_tx_hash = il.evt_tx_hash
    AND m.liquidity = il.liquidity

-- For uniswap v3 nonfungible position manager decreaseLiquidity events (includes amount0Min and amount1Min as additional columns)
WITH base_mints AS (
    FROM uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_call_mint 
    WHERE LOWER(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.token1')) = LOWER('0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006') 
    AND LOWER(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.token0')) = LOWER('0x2f6c17fa9f9bC3600346ab4e48C0701e1d5962AE')
    AND call_success = true
FROM base_mints m
    uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_evt_decreaseliquidity dl
    ON m.output_tokenId = dl.tokenId
        call_tx_hash as tx_hash,
        CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.tokenId') AS uint256) as tokenId,
        CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.liquidity') AS uint256) as liquidity,
        CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.amount0Min') AS varchar) as amount0Min,
        CAST(json_extract_scalar(params, '$.amount1Min') AS varchar) as amount1Min
    FROM uniswap_v3_base.nonfungiblepositionmanager_call_decreaseliquidity
    WHERE call_success = true
) dcl 
    ON dl.evt_tx_hash = dcl.tx_hash 
    AND dl.tokenId = dcl.tokenId 
    AND dl.liquidity = dcl.liquidity

-- For uniswap v3 factory events
FROM uniswap_v3_base.UniswapV3Factory_evt_PoolCreated
WHERE pool = 0xFdbAf04326AcC24e3d1788333826b71E3291863a ORDER BY (evt_block_number, evt_index);

The default Dune decoded uniswap event column format is assumed by the program, so if you want to use a different csv format you will need to modify the code's parsing logic in src/fee_analyzer/ The increase_liquidity event has an additional amount0Desired and amount1Desired column that is not present in the default Dune decoded uniswap event column format, it's pulled from the transaction's function call params that Dune stores.

Note: all queries should be restricted to the same max blocknumber or the program could fail.


## Copy env file and fill in the values
just copy-env 

## Run the program
just run


Example CSV file output can be found in the example_output_data folder.

Note: this program is not optimized and takes a while to run. For the example data (~100k events) it takes about 2 hours to run on a 2024 Macbook Pro.


Script taking in historical uniswapV3 transaction and event data to output LP pnl






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