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COSMOS is a computational tool crafted to overcome the challenges associated with integrating spatially resolved multi-omics data. This software harnesses a graph neural network algorithm to deliver cutting-edge solutions for analyzing biological data that encompasses various omics types within a spatial framework.


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1. Introduction

COSMOS is a computational tool crafted to overcome the challenges associated with integrating spatially resolved multi-omics data. This software harnesses a graph neural network algorithm to deliver cutting-edge solutions for analyzing biological data that encompasses various omics types within a spatial framework. Key features of COSMOS include domain segmentation, effective visualization, and the creation of spatiotemporal maps. These capabilities empower researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics within biological samples, distinguishing COSMOS from other tools that may only support single omics types or lack comprehensive spatial integration. The proven superior performance of COSMOS underscores its value as an essential resource in the realm of spatial omics.

Paper: Cooperative Integration of Spatially Resolved Multi-Omics Data with COSMOS, Zhou Y., X. Xiao, L. Dong, C. Tang, G. Xiao*, and L Xu*, 2024.

2. Result

Below is an example to show modality weights of two omics in COSMOS.


Below is an example of the domain segmentation by COSMOS integration.


Below is an example of UMAP visualization of COSMOS integration.


Below is an example of pseudo-spatiotemporal map (pSM) from COSMOS integration.


3. Environment setup and code compilation

3.1. Download the package

The package can be downloaded by running the following command in the terminal:

git clone

Then, use


to access the downloaded folder.

If the "git clone" command does not work with your system, you can download the zip file from the website and decompress it. Then, the folder that you need to access is COSMOS-main.

3.2. Environment setup

The package has been successuflly tested in a Linux environment of python version 3.8.8, pandas version 1.5.2, and so on. An option to set up the environment is to use Conda (

You can use the following command to create an environment for COSMOS:

conda create -n cosmos python pandas numpy scanpy matplotlib umap-learn scikit-learn seaborn torch networkx gudhi anndata cmcrameri pytorch-geometric

After the environment is created, you can use the following command to activate it:

conda activate cosmos

Please install Jupyter Notebook from For example, you can run

pip install notebook

in the terminal to install the classic Jupyter Notebook.

3.3. Import COSMOS in different directories (optional)

If you would like to import COSMOS in different directories, there is an option to make it work. Please run

python install --user &> log

in the terminal.

After doing these successfully, you are supposed to be able to import COSMOS when you are using Python or Jupyter Notebook in other folders:

import COSMOS

4. Example

Below is the notebook script for the Mouse Visual Cortex example. First, please type

cd COSMOS-demos

in the terminal to enter the "COSMOS-demos" folder.

Then, type

jupyter notebook &

to open the Jupyter Notebook. Left click the cosmos_mouseVisualCortex_example.ipynb file to open it.

Run the code below to import packages and set random seed:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scanpy as sc
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from umap import UMAP
import sklearn
import seaborn as sns
from COSMOS import cosmos
from COSMOS.pyWNN import pyWNN 
import warnings
random_seed = 20

Show list of software versions:

!pip list

Loading data and transforming it to AnnData object

# Importing mouse visual cortex STARMap data
df_data = pd.read_csv('./MVC_counts.csv',sep=",",header=0,na_filter=False,index_col=0) 
df_meta = pd.read_csv('./MVC_meta.csv',sep=",",header=0,na_filter=False,index_col=0) 
df_pixels = df_meta.iloc[:,2:4]
df_labels = list(df_meta.iloc[:,1])
adata = sc.AnnData(X = df_data)
adata.obs['LayerName'] = df_labels # Combining HPC and CC
adata.obs['LayerName_2'] = list(df_meta.iloc[:,4]) # Separating HPC and CC

# Spatial positions
adata.obsm['spatial'] = np.array(df_pixels)
adata.obs['x_pos'] = adata.obsm['spatial'][:,0]
adata.obs['y_pos'] = adata.obsm['spatial'][:,1]
label_type = ['L1','L2/3','L4','L5','L6','HPC/CC']

Generating synthetic spatially resolved paired multi-omics data

# Shuffling L4/L5 and L5/L6 of the original data, respectively.
index_all = [np.array([i for i in range(len(df_labels)) if df_labels[i] == label_type[0]])]
for k in range(1,len(label_type)):
    temp_idx = np.array([i for i in range(len(df_labels)) if df_labels[i] == label_type[k]])
index_int1 = np.array(list(index_all[2]) + list(index_all[3]))
index_int2 = np.array(list(index_all[4]) + list(index_all[3]))

# Adding Gaussian noise to each omics
adata1 = adata.copy()
data_noise_1 = 1 + np.random.normal(0,0.05,adata.shape)
adata1.X[index_int1,:] = np.multiply(adata.X,data_noise_1)[np.random.permutation(index_int1),:]

adata2 = adata.copy()
data_noise_2 = 1 + np.random.normal(0,0.05,adata.shape)
adata2.X[index_int2,:] = np.multiply(adata.X,data_noise_2)[np.random.permutation(index_int2),:]

Applying COSMOS to integrate two omics

# COSMOS integration
cosmos_comb = cosmos.Cosmos(adata1=adata1,adata2=adata2)
cosmos_comb.preprocessing_data(n_neighbors = 10)
cosmos_comb.train(spatial_regularization_strength=0, z_dim=50, 
         lr=1e-3, wnn_epoch = 500, total_epoch=1000, max_patience_bef=10, max_patience_aft=30, min_stop=200, 
         random_seed=random_seed, gpu=0, regularization_acceleration=True, edge_subset_sz=1000000)

Showing modality weights of two omics in COSMOS

def plot_weight_value(alpha, label, modality1='omics1', modality2='omics2',order = None):
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[modality1, modality2, 'label'])  
    df[modality1], df[modality2] = alpha[:, 0], alpha[:, 1]
    df['label'] = label
    df = df.set_index('label').stack().reset_index()
    df.columns = ['label_COSMOS', 'Modality', 'Weight value']
    matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 8.0
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5,3))
    ax = sns.violinplot(data=df, x='label_COSMOS', y='Weight value', hue="Modality",
                split=True, inner="quart", linewidth=1, show=False, orient = 'v', order=order)
    ax.set_title(modality1 + ' vs ' + modality2) 

weights = cosmos_comb.weights
df_wghts = pd.DataFrame(weights,columns = ['w1','w2'])
weights = np.array(df_wghts)
for k in range(1,len(label_type)):
    wghts_mean = np.mean(weights[index_all[0],:],0)
for k in range(1,len(label_type)):
    wghts_mean_temp = np.mean(weights[index_all[k],:],0)
    wghts_mean = np.vstack([wghts_mean, wghts_mean_temp])
df_wghts_mean = pd.DataFrame(wghts_mean,columns = ['w1','w2'],index = label_type)
df_sort_mean = df_wghts_mean.sort_values(by=['w1'])
plot_weight_value(np.array(df_wghts), np.array(adata.obs['LayerName']), order = list(df_sort_mean.index))


Domain segmentation by COSMOS integration

def screen_resolution(df_embedding, labels, res_s = 0.1, res_e = 1.0, step = 0.05, methods = 'leiden'):
    max_ari = 0
    opt_res = 0
    rec_ari = []
    rec_res = []
    rec_cluster_num = []
    for res in np.arange(res_s,res_e,step):
        embedding_adata = sc.AnnData(df_embedding)
        sc.pp.neighbors(embedding_adata, n_neighbors=50, use_rep='X')
        if methods == 'leiden':
  , resolution=float(res))
            clusters = list(embedding_adata.obs["leiden"])
  , resolution=float(res))
            clusters = list(embedding_adata.obs["louvain"])
        ARI_score = sklearn.metrics.adjusted_rand_score(labels, clusters)
        ARI_score = round(ARI_score, 2)
        cluster_num = len(np.unique(clusters))
        print('res = ' + str(round(res, 2)) + ', ARI = ' + str(ARI_score) + ', Cluster# = ' + str(cluster_num))
    print('Maximal ARI = ' + str(max(rec_ari)) + ' with res = ' + str(round(rec_res[np.argmax(rec_ari)],2)))
    return rec_ari, rec_res, rec_cluster_num

# Obtaining the optimal domain segmentation

adata_new = adata1.copy()
label_annotations = list(adata.obs['LayerName'])

alpha = 0
res_s = 0.2
res_e = 0.5
step = 0.01
methods = 'leiden'
df_embedding = pd.DataFrame(cosmos_comb.embedding)
rec_ari, rec_res, rec_cluster_num = screen_resolution(df_embedding, label_annotations, res_s = res_s, res_e = res_e, step = step, methods = methods)

opt_ari_cosmos = max(rec_ari)
opt_res_cosmos = rec_res[np.argmax(rec_ari)]
embedding_adata = sc.AnnData(df_embedding)
sc.pp.neighbors(embedding_adata, n_neighbors=50, use_rep='X'), resolution=float(opt_res_cosmos))
opt_clusters_cosmos = list(embedding_adata.obs["leiden"])
adata_new.obs['Cluster_cosmos'] = opt_clusters_cosmos

matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(4,5))
sz = 40
plot_color=['#D1D1D1','#e6194b', '#3cb44b', '#ffe119', '#4363d8', '#f58231', '#911eb4', '#46f0f0', '#f032e6', \
            '#bcf60c', '#fabebe', '#008080', '#e6beff', '#9a6324', '#ffd8b1', '#800000', '#aaffc3', '#808000', '#000075', '#000000', '#808080', '#ffffff', '#fffac8']

titles = 'Manual annotation',alpha=1,x="x_pos",y="y_pos",color=domains,title=titles ,color_map=plot_color,show=False,size=sz,ax = axes[0])

titles = 'COSMOS, ARI = ' + str(opt_ari_cosmos),alpha=1,x="x_pos",y="y_pos",color=domains,title=titles ,color_map=plot_color,show=False,size=sz,ax = axes[1])

res = 0.2, ARI = 0.79, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.21, ARI = 0.79, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.22, ARI = 0.79, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.23, ARI = 0.79, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.24, ARI = 0.8, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.25, ARI = 0.8, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.26, ARI = 0.8, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.27, ARI = 0.8, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.28, ARI = 0.8, Cluster# = 5 res = 0.29, ARI = 0.84, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.3, ARI = 0.84, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.31, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.32, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.33, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.34, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.35, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.36, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.37, ARI = 0.7, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.38, ARI = 0.74, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.39, ARI = 0.76, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.4, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.41, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.42, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.43, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.44, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.45, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.46, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 6 res = 0.47, ARI = 0.66, Cluster# = 8 res = 0.48, ARI = 0.76, Cluster# = 7 res = 0.49, ARI = 0.75, Cluster# = 7 Maximal ARI = 0.84 with res = 0.29 (-282.4831346765602, 6759.627661884987, -630.5286230210683, 14490.623535171215) Fig

UMAP visualization of COSMOS integration

umap_2d = UMAP(n_components=2, init='random', random_state=random_seed, min_dist = 0.3,n_neighbors=30)
umap_pos = umap_2d.fit_transform(df_embedding)
adata_new.obs['cosmos_umap_pos_x'] = umap_pos[:,0]
adata_new.obs['cosmos_umap_pos_y'] = umap_pos[:,1]

matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
sz = 20
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3,3))

plot_color=['#e6194b', '#3cb44b', '#ffe119', '#4363d8', '#f58231', '#911eb4', '#46f0f0', '#f032e6', \
            '#bcf60c', '#fabebe', '#008080', '#e6beff', '#9a6324', '#ffd8b1', '#800000', '#aaffc3', '#808000', '#000075', '#000000', '#808080', '#ffffff', '#fffac8']

titles = 'UMAP by COSMOS',alpha=1,x="cosmos_umap_pos_x",y="cosmos_umap_pos_y",color=domains,title=titles ,color_map=plot_color,show=False,size=sz,ax = axes)

(-8.883453440666198, 14.081739974021911, -6.550229287147522, 8.842858052253723)


Pseudo-spatiotemporal map (pSM) from COSMOS integration

sc.pp.neighbors(embedding_adata, n_neighbors=20, use_rep='X')
# Setting the root to be the first cell in 'HPC' cells
embedding_adata.uns['iroot'] = np.flatnonzero(adata.obs['LayerName_2'] == 'HPC')[0]
# Diffusion map
# Diffusion pseudotime
pSM_values = embedding_adata.obs['dpt_pseudotime'].to_numpy()

matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
sz = 20
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(7,3))

x = np.array(adata_new.obs['cosmos_umap_pos_x'])
y = np.array(adata_new.obs['cosmos_umap_pos_y'])
ax_temp = axes[0]
im = ax_temp.scatter(x, y, s=sz, c=pSM_values, marker='.', cmap='coolwarm',alpha = 1)
ax_temp.set_title('pSM in UMAP')
fig.colorbar(im, ax = ax_temp,orientation="vertical", pad=-0.01)

x = np.array(adata_new.obs['x_pos'])
y = np.array(adata_new.obs['y_pos'])
ax_temp = axes[1]
im = ax_temp.scatter(x, y, s=sz, c=pSM_values, marker='.', cmap='coolwarm',alpha = 1)
ax_temp.set_title('pSM in image')
fig.colorbar(im, ax = ax_temp,orientation="vertical", pad=-0.01)



5. Contact information

Please contact our team if you have any questions:

Yuansheng Zhou (

Xue Xiao (

Lei Dong (

Chen Tang (

Lin Xu (

Please contact Chen Tang for questions related to environment setting, software installation, and this GitHub page.

6. Copyright information

The COSMOS software uses the BSD 3-clause license. Please see the "LICENSE" file for the copyright information.


COSMOS is a computational tool crafted to overcome the challenges associated with integrating spatially resolved multi-omics data. This software harnesses a graph neural network algorithm to deliver cutting-edge solutions for analyzing biological data that encompasses various omics types within a spatial framework.








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