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DavideMasini edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the GUI_toolkit wiki! The GUI toolkit is designed to assist in the creation of graphical user interfaces for python applications. The toolkit stands on pygame to display basic objects on the screen and can already create quite complex interfaces with just a few lines of code.

The toolkit functions as a hierarchy with the controlling everything that lies below it: --> layout --> widgets. Layouts: layouts house widgets and can be positioned around the screen in various ways. The type of layout determines how the widgets themselves are arranged. At the moment the only available layout is the Box Layout which splits its space equally amongst its widgets.

Below the layout lies the widgets itself. The widgets are simply objects that can be placed on the screen. The attributes of these widgets can be changed in order to drastically customize there appearance, from rounded edges of buttons to the default text in text input boxes. At the moment the only available widgets are the button, text input box, text (display text on screen), and image (display image on screen).

In future I would like to add more layouts and widgets to enhance the customisability of the toolkit.

Currently, a lot of the work has been centred around the button widget in order to allow the user to add images to the button's face and eventually a combination of both text and icons.

More ideas for widgets can be found in the project_ideas.txt file.

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