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RecyclerView adapter for kids.

A kotlin dsl mechanism to simplify and reduce boilerplate logic of a RecyclerView.Adapter.

With KidAdapter you can use all power of kotlin dsl to avoid wired standard implementation of RecyclerView.Adapter view types. You can easily maintain, update, move, swap, remove or add new view types using dsl code blocks.

Bonus: Almost all logic by default works with DiffUtil

Maven Central CircleCI ktlint Android Arsenal



implementation 'com.link184:kid-adapter:1.4.1'


Simple adapter without view types:

val adapter = recyclerView.setUp<MyObject> { //an extension on RecyclerView which return a instance of adapter
    // optional, set layout manager or leave to use default linear vertical
    withLayoutManager(GridLayoutManager(context, 3)) 
    // set layout res id for each adapter item
    // set adapter items
    withItems(mutableListOf(MyObject(name = "one"), MyObject("two"), MyObject("three")))
    // set bind action
    bind { item -> // this - adapter view holder itemView, item - current item
        stringName.text = //string view is a synthetic inflated view from bind function context 
        setOnClickListener { ... } //click listener on ViewHolder.itemView
    // if you need adapter position use this method instead of "bind"
    bindIndexed { item, index -> // item - current item, index - adapterPosition

//runtime adapter update
adapter + MyObject("four")
adapter += mutableListOf(MyObject("1"), MyObject("2"))
adapter[2] = MyObject("two")
adapter - MyObject("four")
adapter + MyObject("five") + MyObject("six") - MyObject("one")

Adapter with view types:

val adapter = recyclerView.setUp {
    // declare a viewtype
    withViewType("FIRST_STRING_TAG") { // tag is optional but is useful for future updates when you have multiple view typs with the same item types
        // optional, set layout manager or leave to use default linear vertical
        withLayoutManager { GridLayoutManager(context, 3) }
        // set layout res id to current view type
        // set items to currect view type
        withItems(mutableListOf("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"))
        // optional, a callback from DiffUtils, by default it compare items with equals() method, set it if you need a custom behavior
        withContentComparator<String> { oldItem, newItem ->
            oldItem.length > newItem.length
        // optional, a callback from DiffUtils, by default it compare items with equals() method, set it if you need a custom behavior
        withItemsComparator<Int> { oldItem, newItem -> 
            oldItem.hashCode() == newItem.hashCode()
        // set bind action
        bind<String> { // this - is adapter view hoder itemView, item - current item
            stringName.text = it
            setOnClickListener { ... } //click listener on ViewHolder.itemView
        // if you need adapter position use this method instead of "bind"
        bindIndexed { item, index -> // item - current item, index - adapterPosition

    withViewType {
        withItems(mutableListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
        bind<Int> {
            intName.text = it.toString()

    withViewType("SECOND_STRING_TAG") {
        withItems(mutableListOf("eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve"))
        bind<String> {
            stringName.text = it
    //Update adapter as needed
    adapter update { ... }

Update multiple view type adapter.

adapter update {
    insertBottom(mutableListOf("thirteen", "fourteen"), SECOND_STRING_TAG)
    insertTop(mutableListOf("asd", "asd")) // there are no tag, library automatically detect and insert items on first list of strings
    insert(2, mutableListOf(4, 5, 6, 7)) // no tag, items will be inserted in first list of integers
    removeItems(mutableListOf("one", "thirteen"))

adapter restructure {
    insert(2, "tag") {
        bind<Int> {
            println("We are here $it")
    insertTop("top1Tag") { ... }
    insert(3, "insertAt3Tag") { ... }
    insertBottom("bottom1Tag") { ... }
    replace("top1Tag") { ... }
    swap(0, 3)
    insertTop("top1Tag") { ... }


Don't worry about that.


See the LICENSE file for details.