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The wolof pronunciation system is relatively simple. Every symbol stands for only one sound, that is every symbol is pronounced the same way in every word. The distinction between short and long vowels is very important, because it is sometimes the only way to distinguish pairs of words which have different meanings. Long vowels are always doubled, while short vowels are not. There is a lot of prenalization in wolof. There usually occur with nasals such as m, n, etc...


As indicated, wolof vowels are either long or short. A long vowel is indicated a doubling of the symbol, and it must be pronounced a little longer than a short vowel (which is not doubled). Long and short vowels can occur anywhere in the word.

Vowel Nearest English Equivalent Wolof Examples
a absorb banta, tapa, santa
aa far laaj, naaj, caabi
e get dem, lem, gerte
ee where seet, leel
é say bés
éé sane wéér, réér
ë bird kër, dëgër
i in, pit nit, simiis, timis
ii meet siis, lii, kii
o moment xob, romba
ó no nób, sóf
oo door loo, soo
óó phone góór, fóót
u cook nuyu, ubi
uu moon tuuru, yuuxu
CONSONANTS Nearest English Equivalent Wolof Examples
b boy bunta, ban
c ch in church caabi, ceeb, caamoñ
d dog def, dara
f fire fas fetel, fo ka
g good dogal, dugga
j job jaboore, jox
k cool kaala, kumpa
l land loolu, laal
m moon meew, dem
n nob nit, nax
ñ onion (ny) ñeebe, gaañu
p hang ma
r park pare, soopa
s rat raxas, reer
t sign siis, safara
w stamp tubaab, aate
x war waaw, reew
y between h and k xale, xaalis
your yaay, yuuxu
mb mbéy, mbaam
nd ndey, ndigte
nj, ng ngor, nga
mp lampa


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