This is my sandbox repo for learning-by-implementing thread-safe data structures and algorithms in the C++ language.
The content here is largely based on the examples and reasoning in Anthony Williams' guide book, "C++ Concurrency in Action", but also my own knowledge of data structures and multi-threading.
Please make good use of these demonstrations :). I am a student, but I hope you'll find these data structures, applications and explanations instructive and/or helpful. I also hope they will demonstrate my eagerness to learn and build efficient and effective multithreaded software systems!
TODO: use the thread_queue in solve_equations.cpp
TODO: develop tests and applications for thread_stack
TODO: make thread_list, thread_forward_list, etc.
TODO: everything with Google Test.
TODO: Remove colon output from generate_math.cpp, and thus the need to ignore it in input in solve_equations