Angular API for: ZzFX - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth - Micro Edition
MIT License - Copyright 2019 Frank Force
ng-zzfx is also used in ng-tetris --> Hit to play!
How to use?
In your component:
case1 = [ , , 1675, , .06, .24, 1, 1.82, , , 837, .06];
Give your element a sound by adding the directive as follows:
In your template:
<div zoundfx trigger="click" [zound]="case1">💰</div>
Or by using the zzfs function wrapper:
playSound: ZzFxFn;
case4 = [1.5,.5,270,,.1,,1,1.5,,,,,,,,.1,.01];
ngOnInit() {
this.playSound = Zoundfx.start(0.2);
onClick() {
Directive inputs:
- vol = 0.1; // Volume % should be a number from 0 to 1;
- trigger = 'onclick'; // String, a name of any event you want to react to
- zound: number[]; // See example Or custom your own sounds