The group project for the Computer Science course at the University of St. Gallen. Our final product can be found in
Overview of the Notebooks / Python files & Dataframes:
- Original Dataset Source:
- AppraiSet_complete_dataset.csv: the complete original dataset used for our data cleaning.
- AppraiSet_testing_dataset.csv: the orginial testing dataset, not actively used -> we wanted to clean the data ourselves to better fit our project needs
- AppraiSet_training_dataset.csv: the original training dataset, not actively used -> we wanted to clean the data ourselves to better fit our project needs
- Data Clearning and the Machine Learning Model
- 1_Notebook.ipynb: majority of the data cleaning including material category
- artist_name.ipynb: final data cleaning including arist_rank and the development of our ML model
- Artiste_name(streamlitteam).py: integration of the machine learning model into streamlit
- cleaned.csv: Our cleaned dataset used in final project
- cleaned_tow.csv: Our cleaned dataset + column title of work
- First Attemps at Streamlit
- : first attempt at making a streamlit app, not used in final project
- test_bjö testing streamlit functions, not used in final project
- testing streamlit functions, not used in final project
- improving sliders and filters with streamlit
- API Inclusion
- : not used in final project, first attempt at the integration of the two apis (artsy and google)
- 2 : combined google api and artsy api, artsy to search for artist info and google for image search
- : final version of the two apis, used in final project
- Creating a Final Product
- First attempt at combining prediction and data discovery with ML model, and combined API
- Our final streamlit product, including the Prediction, Data Discovery, API usage and Visualization pages plus the final design