We use pix2pix for image style transfer as augmentation network, have trained augmentation models with different ratio of polycrystalline iron data and generated corresponding synthetic datasets in Google Drive or BaiduNetdisk (access code:rwjr).
Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/LitYan/aug_models.git
cd aug_models
This code requires PyTorch 1.1 and python 3+. Please install dependencies by
pip install -r requirements.txt
And you would need an NVIDIA machine with 4 GTX 1080Ti GPUs or 4 Telsa V100 GPUs.
We used a iron crystal dataset. We have opened up the experimental datasets as needed. Please download them on the respective webpages. we uploaded most of data in Google Drive due to the space limitation , and uploaded all the data in BaiduNetdisk.
- Google Drive
- BaiduNetdisk (access code:5hsw)
Preparing iron crystal Dataset. In particular, you will need to download real_data folder and synthetic_data folder. The real images and labels have already been divided into train, val and test set. In addition,the synthctic images and labels should be placed in the train set. To do this, save them in './datasets', and run
cd datasets
mv real_data/* ./
mv synthetic_data/* ./train
for z in *.zip ./*/*.zip ./*/*/*.zip; do unzip $z -d $(dirname $z); done
rm -r real_data synthetic_data
cd ../
Once the dataset is ready, these synthetic data can be applied in image segmentation tasks as data augmentation for real data like we did in examples.ipynb.
- train, for example.
python ./scripts/train.py --net unet --train_type 'mix' --gpu_ids 0,1 \
--dataroot './datasets/' --batch_size 8 \
--train_img_dir_real 'train/real_images' \
--train_label_dir_real 'train/real_labels' \
--train_img_list_real './datasets/train/records_txt/real_5.txt' \
--train_img_dir_syn 'train/syn_images/iron_label2real_pix2pix_real_5/latest' \
--train_label_dir_syn 'train/syn_labels' \
--val_img_dir 'val/real_images' \
--val_label_dir 'val/real_labels' \
--checkpoints_dir './ckpts/seg_models' \
--name 'model_real_5_mix_syn' \
--display_env 'model_real_5_mix_syn'
There are many options you can specify. Please use python train.py --help
. The specified options are printed to the console. To specify the number of GPUs to utilize, use --gpu_ids
.If you want to use the first and second GPUs, use --gpu_ids 0,1
- test
python ./scripts/test.py --net unet --name 'model_real_5_mix_syn'\
--checkpoints_dir './ckpts/seg_models/' \
--dataroot './datasets/test/' \
--test_img_dir 'real_images' \
--test_label_dir 'real_labels' \
--epoch 'epoch_4_7200' --results_dir './results/' --gpu_ids 0
Use --results_dir
to specify the output directory. --epoch
will specify the checkpoint to load.
- Our pretrained models
Download the pth files of pretrained models from the Google Drive or BaiduNetdisk(access code:8mg7), save them in './ckpts/seg_models', and run
python ./scripts/test.py --net unet --name 'model_real_5_mix_syn'\
--checkpoints_dir './ckpts/seg_models/' \
--dataroot './datasets/test/' \
--test_img_dir 'real_images' \
--test_label_dir 'real_labels' \
--epoch 'epoch_4_7200' --results_dir './results/' --gpu_ids 0
- Generating images Using Pretrained Models
The synthetic images can be generated using pretrained models. Download the pth files of pretrained models from the Google Drive or BaiduNetdisk(access code:m425), save them in './ckpts/aug_models', and run
python ./scripts/generate_samples.py --name iron_label2real_pix2pix_real_5 --num_test 28800 \
--gpu_ids 0 --batch_size 1 --checkpoints_dir './ckpts/aug_models/' \
--dataroot './datasets/' --phase 'train' --label_dir 'syn_labels' \
--results_dir './datasets/train/syn_images' --epoch 'latest'
- training new models, for example.
python ./scripts/train_pix2pix.py --name iron_label2real_pix2pix_real_5 \
--gpu_ids 0,1 --batch_size 8 --checkpoints_dir './ckpts/aug_models' \
--dataroot './datasets/' --phase 'train' --label_dir 'real_labels' --image_dir 'real_images' \
--record_txt './datasets/train/records_txt/real_5.txt' \
--display_env 'real_5'
: the entry point of training and testing for image segmentation.scripts/train_pix2pix.py
: the entry point of training and testing for image style transfer.scripts/check_paired_dataset.py
: check dataset and plot paired images and labels.scripts/auto_segmentations.py
: The commonly used auto image segmentations by threshold, morphology or edge detection.models/pix2pix_model.py
: creates the augmentation networks.models/unet_model.py
: creates the segmentation networks.models/networks/
: defines the architecture of all models.options/
: creates option lists usingargparse
: defines the class for loading images and label maps.
This code structure borrows heavily from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix
If you use it successfully for your research please be so kind to cite the paper.
Ma, B., Wei, X., Liu, C. et al. Data augmentation in microscopic images for material data mining. npj Comput Mater 6, 125 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-020-00392-6
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFB0700500).