- Pro
Typeorm polymorphic relationship management
A tool for recompiling Xbox 360 games to native executables.
A Tunnel which Turns UDP Traffic into Encrypted UDP/FakeTCP/ICMP Traffic by using Raw Socket,helps you Bypass UDP FireWalls(or Unstable UDP Environment)
atom-community / atom
Forked from atom/atom
Community build of the hackable text editor
⚙️ Workshop Publishing Utility for Garry's Mod, written in Rust & Svelte and powered by Tauri
🛠 Automatic Patching/Updating of GMod CEF. Also fixes macOS/Linux launch issues. And missing main menu issues.
A Minecraft mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer.
Real-time collaborative stream overlay.
Multithreaded, hardware accelerated solution to create high quality movies for the Source engine.
SourceOP is a Source engine plugin that works for TF2, HL2 Deathmatch, and CSS. With a little configuration, it should work for any Orangebox-based Source engine game.
The industry-leading Pterodactyl designer, in your hands. Repository is used for issue tracking, content delivery and feedback.
Enhanced version of the HLDS engine with bug fixes, security patches, and optimizations for stable servers.
Garry's Mod server running in a docker container, with a volume exposed for customization
bhopppp / Shavit-Surf-Timer
Forked from shavitush/bhoptimerA surf timer plugin for Counter-Strike: Source base on shavit timer
steph's anticheat (StAC). a built-from-scratch sourcemod based solution to cheating in Team Fortress 2.
A mobile application for KSF surf news, information, and statistics.
A tool to assist in the compiling of source engine maps
Place to find all of the surf maps on KSF CS:S servers.
The Free Software Media System - Server Backend & API
Tool used to create the official Raspberry Pi OS images
A vector graphics application for structured SVG editing, available on all major desktop platforms and on web. Currently in late alpha.
Ucupaint is Blender addon to manage texture layers for Eevee and Cycles renderer.
Tool for extracting and editing the assets of Papers, Please
⚡ Extremely fast online playground for every programming language.
An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.