This page provides supporting data for the study on the ClR, a chloride ion pumping rhodospin. The ClR has a chromophore, retinal linked to a lysine on transmembrane helix-G (the 7th helix from the N-terminal of ClR). Retinal isoermiazation triggered by light absorption will drive the Chloride ion through the channel of ClR.
This study applied time-resolved crystallography method using the XFEL source at LCLS (SLAC, Menlo Park, CA). The structures of dark state (t=0) and five pumped states (t=1,2,50,100 ps) were determined to atomic resolutions (1.65A for dark, 1.85A for pumped states).
In this page, there are five groups of files, following the data processing steps:
- Fourier difference maps (DMAPobs) calculated from experimental data: |Fpump-Fdark|obs * exp(i phidark);
- Extrapolated maps (ExtraMapobs) calculated from experimental data: (Fdark+Next * |Fpump-Fdark|obs) * exp(i phidark)
- Refined atomic models : dark, 1-100 ps
- MTZ with structure factors : dark, 1-100 ps
- Fourier difference maps (DMAPcalc) calculated from refined atomic models