A simple POJO property filter for Resful JSON output bases on fastjson and springboot.
Add jsonfilter-1.0.4.jar to your project's dependencies. You can do like that in maven project:
Then, just enjoy it !
customize a POJO json output
//use annotation to customize your json output *_*
//clazz -- the POJO class that you want to customize
//includes -- the properties in POJO that you want to save
@SerializeField(clazz = User.class,includes = {"name","id"})
public User user() {
User user = new User(1L, "liuyis", "123456");
return user;
you will get response like that : {"id":1,"name":"liuyis"}
customize two POJO json output
//use annotation to customize your json output *_*
//clazz -- the POJO class that you want to customize
//includes -- the properties in POJO that you want to save
@SerializeField(clazz = User.class,includes = {"name", "id", "addresses"})
//use @MultiSerializeField annotation to customize the second POJO json output *_*
//clazz -- the POJO class that you want to customize
//excludes -- the properties in POJO that you do not want to show in json output
@MultiSerializeField(clazz = Address.class, excludes = {"user"})
public User user2() {
User user = new User(1L, "liuyis", "123456");
List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
Address a1 = new Address("liuyis's home", "liuyis's school", user);
Address a2 = new Address("liuyis's home2", "liuyis's school2", user);
return user;
you will get response like that: {"addresses":[{"home":"liuyis's home","school":"liuyis's school"},{"home":"liuyis's home2","school":"liuyis's school2"}],"id":1,"name":"liuyis"}
//use annotation to customize your json output *_*
//clazz -- the POJO class that you want to customize
//includes -- the properties in POJO that you wan to save
@SerializeField(clazz = Address.class, includes = {"school", "home", "user"})
//use @MultiSerializeField annotation to customize the second POJO json output *_*
//clazz -- the POJO class that you want to customize
//excludes -- the properties in POJO that you do not want to show in json output
@MultiSerializeField(clazz = User.class, excludes = {"addresses"})
public Address address(){
User user = new User(1L, "liuyis", "123456");
List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
Address a1 = new Address("liuyis's home", "liuyis's school", user);
Address a2 = new Address("liuyis's home2", "liuyis's school2", user);
return a1;
you will get response like that:{"home":"liuyis's home","school":"liuyis's school","user":{"id":1,"name":"liuyis"}}
customize mutiple POJO json output
//use @MoreSerializeField annotation to customize mutiple POJO json output *_*
//add @SerializeField annotation as many as you want :)
@SerializeField(clazz = Address.class,includes = {"school", "home", "user"}),
@SerializeField(clazz = User.class, includes = {"id", "name"})})
public Address address2(){
User user = new User(1L, "liuyis", "123456");
List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
Address a1 = new Address("liuyis's home", "liuyis's school", user);
Address a2 = new Address("liuyis's home2", "liuyis's school2", user);
return a1;
you will get response like that:{"home":"liuyis's home","school":"liuyis's school","user":{"id":1,"name":"liuyis"}}