Unlocks Deluxe Edition content for Far Cry 3.
This project is based on FC3LockStringGenerator which was originally written for Windows (.NET 3.1).
This program is written for Linux and can be run on:
- SteamDeck (Linux)
- Linux
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
fc3-lsgen [OPTIONS...]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-c, --gamecfg_file=FILE Full path to GameProfile.xml
-u, --username=STRING Username or nickname as it appears in Ubisoft Connect
-w, --write Write the generated LockString to GameProfile.xml
This project uses the meson build system, so you can build it as any other meson project.
The project needs the following dependencies:
- glib2 >= 2.60
- libgcrypt >= 1.8
- libxml2 >= 2.9
- meson *
NOTE: * are buildtime dependencies only
meson setup -Dprefix=/usr build
meson compile -C build
sudo meson install -C build
fc3-lsgen --help
While is not supported directly bu the project, the code is not OS specific so you can
build it for any other OS that supports the meson
build system and glib2